The Retro Hour: I think (the preservation program) is going to be a great resource for, like, you know, even education. If kids were looking at some of the titles, and how the title was developed, you know, they could go back and play some of the original versions.
Marcin Paczyński: The developers of new games as well, like, the number of times I was asked for KOTOR 2 (as an example) for a classic game on GoG from a developer who is working on a next AAA game... you can guess who that might have been.
A lot of those games have very cool features that are, you know, only there, they're kind of forgotten. And people like to go back and to check them out and see what was in [those classic games] to maybe be able to use that knowledge and that feature and re-implement it in a new title."
The Witcher IV or Project Orion having taken inspiration in some way or another from
Knights of the Old Republic II confirmed.