Posted July 23, 2018
low rated

I joined this site when it was just starting up for the games but found it had a great community of passionate gamers who where here just for the games. Move forward 10 years and as gog grew the forum has become become more toxic and now it is not about the games anymore but about politics.
With what is going on there is no winners here we all lose gog loses either through websites shunning them and loss of sales as customers suddenly dont want to buy here. We lose as less sales means less publishers will want to sell their games here so drm free games do suffer.Also i read elsewhere other epeople said theyi will boucott gog and pirate the game instead. Great idea that just escalates the damage as publishers get less money from sales and guess what put less games out drm free. So in the end these people only hurt themselfs in the long term.
As for people who say i will only buy from steam . Steam has done a lot of anti consumer items over the years and the ony reason we have things like the refund policy is that valve where backed into a corner due to preasure from countries .
I think gog should not have apolagised but then we dont know all the facts and there could be a lot of reasons we doont know about that caused them to apolagise.
So how do we stop this from happening again we can close the forums, twitter account and they can sell safe games like Barbie fashion show or something like that. That is the only way to not piss off someone but in this day and age no matter what you say or do you will annoy someone which just shows how things have turned for the worse.
All this political bull is destroying our industry, our fun and all this has been done by a few extremists who want to turn the masses o each other and for me it is a sad affair. We should be here for the games not fighing each other over politics.
The only way this is going to end is if:
#1 - GOG fires the staff member who made the libelous apology on Twitter which lumped all of GamerGate together as an abusive movement, and the staff member, should it be a different one, who posted on Reddit and ResetERA in an attempt to grovel to them.
ashtonx had a post earlier in this thread showing exactly why groveling to these people was a very bad idea.
From his post:
#2 - GOG puts the tweet back up and apologizes for throwing their community under the bus in favor of openly abusive journos and pundits.
#3 - GOG ignores all attempts by journos and pundits in the future to tarnish their name or business because of posts they choose to post and repost, unless it crosses into the sphere of these same people threatening the staff directly by way of doxing, DDOS attacks or etc.
The only real way to prevent the last one is if GOG no longer does advertising business with sites hostile to gamers like VG/247, Gamasutra, Polygon and others which posted the 'Gamers are dead' articles as opposed to places like OneAngryGamer, NicheGamer, The Escapist and etc who are supporting of gamers..
Post edited July 23, 2018 by AgentBJ09