EpiqK: Hello, i want to move some of my games from GoG to Steam, i have some left over GoG Wallet Funds that i want to trade for Steam Gift Cards or Steam Games, preferably gift card though, i have 45.64euros. I'm down to trade 45.64euros GoG Wallet Funds for 40euros Steam Gift Card/s.
JunglePredator: Trading for funds isn't allowed on GOG.
Also as your first post it's extremely likely you're scamming.
i'm not trading funds, i have those funds and if you want a game i buy it and we trade, and no i'm not scaming.
MemoryRunaMelody: It's also impossible to obtain any gog wallet cards or wallet money, since it's tied to account. So it's possibly a account selling on top of it.
i'm not trading the funds, i have those funds and i buy the games for you, and we trade.
if you feel weird to trade with a new dude, let me know how exactly you want to trade so that you feel comfortable and we do it, via discord, skype, whatever you like.
i still have the funds btw. check picture