KiNgBrAdLeY7: My number one, all time round, is "Rasputin". Not only because of disco and boney m. I have some certain interests and amateur field researches for personal interest, as a hobby and certain historical figures are key among them.
Another song with a historical figure is
<span class="bold">El Lute</span>. I love this song, but
<span class="bold">Rivers of Babylon</span> is by far my favorite one! :-)
KiNgBrAdLeY7: And RIP for that crazy dancer, died few years ago, if memory serves.
I agree! Even though Bobby Farrell has not really contributed to the studio albums, he was an amazing performer and played an important role in the group's success.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: ABBA, too, is considered GOM for me.
<span class="bold">Stars on 45</span> - ABBA Medley Shadowflight: Oh man! Jive bunny, that brings back memories, I think they also did a Hawaii 50 cover and we used to all form canoes on the floor and row like hell :)
Here's the track featuring
Hawaii 5-0: ▪
<span class="bold">Jive Bunny</span> - That's What I Like