Xeshra: Nah... Strangers of Paradise is more of a benchmark (in a way that you will need a certain requirement in basic skills) with pretty action oriented-gameplay and Tales of Arise is surely more tactical and in the end more survival.
In Tales of Arise at least you could cheat by using certain DLCs, for example increasing amount of items, which is a pretty high cheat (the devs got no issue with this, free money)... but i do not use it, so it will stay in many terms challenging. Many of the challenging stuff is optional, so it is not a requirement for story-advancement.
There are not really such things for Strangers of Paradise, there is simply more action but less versatility (for example, can not change your main character).
For me the battle of Tales of Arise was way more fun, but you have to know how to get the most out of it; guess many people do it wrong.
FF16 got a more awesome action-battle, simply way more refined in the end and more satisfying, once you use its full potential. Easy to learn (using auto combo) but hard to master if everything is manual. Tales of Arise is "in between"... and Stranger of Paradise rather the work from the Youngster-Dev-Pool the company got... and i would say, easyest getting the full potential out of it... but rather unforgiving if you totally fail (the other 2 can still hold your hand if you want to). Versatility is in general the weakest spot of Stranger of Paradise and the main reason why the battle is surely rather immature.
Okay, well i'm sure i will get my time with Tales of Arise, just as i'm certain i'll probably pass on both Strangers and The Walkure. Though admittedly for me it's more of a luxury problem since for one i still ain't finished with Jedi fallen order and for 2, i have many other titles still in wait, to name one Elden Ring... not to mention the darksiders trilogy i was promised to play through once..... In the end i enjoy using a gun more too.... but that is a other discussion all together