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I have tried a dozen or more searches and am having no luck no matter how I word it, so I'm guessing the info doesn't exist anywhere (which is so unbelievable for a 20 year old game).

I want to find a listing of ALL learning point costs for ALL things you can spend them on. After 20 years, no one has ever made a table? Is this Top Secret information or something?

I've got attributes and skills down cold. No problem.

But what I don't know is:
ALL forging options and costs for each.
ALL alchemy options and costs for each (I think I might have that but would like to verify).
ALL animal processing options and costs for each.
ALL will-o-the-wisp options and costs for each.

Does PB/THQ even know? Does anybody?

What I've got for alchemy is:

Healing and Mana:
Essence - 1LP
Extract - 3LP
Elixer - 5LP

Potion of Speed - 5LP
Elixer of Dexterity - 20LP
Elixer of Strength - 20LP

Full refills for life and mana cost gold, not LP's. 1,000 for full life recipe and 1,500 for full mana recipe, but must have already learned essence, extract, and elixer to be able to use the recipe. .

Plus, it would be nice to know prerequisite requirements. For example, I want to forge an Ore Dragon Slayer (1H weapon with 10% to 1H skill). I think it's 160 damage and strength requirement of 140. (Note that this is different from Dragon Slicer, which is found, not forged, and is a 2H weapon).

So, how many total points do I need to budget for that? I'm guessing 2 points for learning forging basics, then....??????

I mean for a 20 year old game it's gotta be somewhere, doesn' it? I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong again.

EDIT: I also posted this on Steam, so if that's against the rules I do apologize and maybe a blue can delete.

WOW!!!! I just noticed the Steam version is, once again, superior to the gog version. I was just curious so I installed the Steam version and sure enough it's different. With the Steam version, the starter mod box comes up (like in Gothic 1 if you added the playerkit). And you have a CHOICE of playing Gothic 2 classic OR the NoTR version. What a concept!!! hint hint hint gog
Post edited October 12, 2023 by OldFatGuy
OldFatGuy: But what I don't know is:
ALL forging options and costs for each.
ALL alchemy options and costs for each (I think I might have that but would like to verify).
ALL animal processing options and costs for each.
ALL will-o-the-wisp options and costs for each.

What I've got for alchemy is:

Healing and Mana:
Essence - 1LP
Extract - 3LP
Elixer - 3LP

Potion of Speed - 5LP
Elixer of Dexterity - 20LP
Elixer of Strength - 20LP

Plus, it would be nice to know prerequisite requirements. For example, I want to forge an Ore Dragon Slayer (1H weapon with 10% to 1H skill). I think it's 160 damage and strength requirement of 140. (Note that this is different from Dragon Slicer, which is found, not forged, and is a 2H weapon).

So, how many total points do I need to budget for that? I'm guessing 2 points for learning forging basics, then....??????
I apologize, as I have never played the Gothic series (and I would have written more if I were not required to awaken early tomorrow), but, I had perused the following two Gothic II guides:

Possesses useful information on forging (simply used [CTRL]+[F] to search for: forging) (separately, for 'LP', in order to filter out results containing words such as 'help', searched by prefixing a space ' ' to 'LP', as in ' LP'):

It seems as though learning the fundamentals of forging costs 5 LP, and learning to forge the remaining weapons costs 5 LP each. Searching for 'A1.3 - Forging' will lead to a section that provides a description for each forged weapon and their ore requirements.

Might be helpful for some of the other information in which you seek (again, using [CTRL]+[F], I had searched by prefixing a space ' ' to 'LP', as in ' LP'):

Alchemy, search: A.4.2.2
Healing essance 1 LP
Healing extract 3 LP
Healing elixer 5 LP
Mana essance 1 LP
Mana extract 3 LP
Mana elixer 5 LP
Elixer of Life 10 LP
Elixer of Spirit 10 LP
Elixer of Strength 20 LP
Elixer of Dexterity 20 LP
Speed potion 5 LP

Search: J.2.T.01
Pull teeth 3 LP
Take animal skins 3 LP

Search: J.3.T.01
Skin animals 5 LP
Remove claws 3 LP
Remove (swampshark?) teeth 3 LP

Search: J.3.T.02
Remove bloodfly wings 100g and 5 LP
Remove bloodfly stingers 100g and 5 LP
Remove the secretion from bloodfly stingers 100g and 5 LP (There is also an option to learn this at no cost.)

Will-o-the-Wisp, search: K.7.P.01
Gold, keys, and utensils 2 LP
Long-ranged weapons, ammunition 1 LP
Post edited October 12, 2023 by Palestine
nm, I made another mistake.

Those numbers are close, but removing bloodfly wings and stingers cost only 1 LP.

I think there are some other errors too. But am going back in game to recheck.

Noticed I had an error above for full refills of life and mana. I thought both were 1500, but life is 1000 and mana is 1500. Changing it now.

Also, it is true that there is an option to use the bloodfly secretions for healing without gold or LP's. I won't say where but I had already "stole" that earlier. Tested it, and the first time I used one it refilled all my life with the on-screen message "Completely healed" I haven't used it again, but the note I stole said it slowly wears off over time, so I'm guessing the first use is full life, second use is some number, with each successive use healing less. At least that's how I read the note.
Post edited October 12, 2023 by OldFatGuy
Yeah, I had some LP's left and went to see Rirordan, and there were SIX different things to train the will-o-the-wisp on, maybe more but I ran out of LP's.

Some cost 6LP's each lol. Not sure how anyone playing NoTR could possibly ever have enough LP's to experience all of those. So why bother putting it in the game?

And I found four different forging things, one was 4LP's, the others were all 6LP's. And none of them were for the ore dragon slayer, so I'm guessing they may not be available yet (I'm in Chapter 3). So, one wonders, do I have to spend all of those LP's before you even get the option to forge the ore dragon slayer? Who knows. I read the manual front to back. Not there.

I don't know if my two points I already spent in forging means I will only have to spend whatever the cost is for the ore dragon slayer when available, OR do I have to spend LP's on ALL of those available now (which would be a whopping 22 more LP's) in order for it to be available later?

I guess I'm going to have to quit this game after all. At least the Steam version offers the G2 vanilla version. Might have to go to that one where LP's aren't so scarce so I can experience all this game has to offer.

ADDED: Screenshot showing Steam's Gothic 2 Gold, in which you can play with or without NoTR. Gog????? come on man....
capture.jpg (165 Kb)
capture.jpg (99 Kb)
Post edited October 12, 2023 by OldFatGuy
All the information you want is here.
Ore Dragon Slayer 160 100 140 +10 edge 1800
1H weapon. You can forge this sword (only as dragon hunter) in chapter 5 when you have read the almanac in the secret library or when you have learned it from Bennet for 10 LP. Forging is not needed to learn for it. Ingredients: 5 phials dragon blood, 4 lumps of ore, 1 raw steel.
Acriz: All the information you want is here.

Ore Dragon Slayer 160 100 140 +10 edge 1800
1H weapon. You can forge this sword (only as dragon hunter) in chapter 5 when you have read the almanac in the secret library or when you have learned it from Bennet for 10 LP. Forging is not needed to learn for it. Ingredients: 5 phials dragon blood, 4 lumps of ore, 1 raw steel.
THANK YOU. This is exactly what I was looking for.

I don't know why this website never came up in all of my searches, but I'm pretty sure it was me doing something wrong. For some reason, I have always sucked at this google, search engine thing. There really must be some method to searches that I just fail badly at.

Thank you so much. Already bookmarked.

ADDED: Wow, this does have it all. Man, thank you again so much. Finally, I can come up with some sort of strategic plan for using my scarce LP's moving forward. Wish this was included with the game, lol. This is the same one my son actually found earlier, but it was all in German and the translate page feature in Firefox didn't translate.
Post edited October 12, 2023 by OldFatGuy
OldFatGuy: ADDED: Wow, this does have it all. Man, thank you again so much. Finally, I can come up with some sort of strategic plan for using my scarce LP's moving forward. Wish this was included with the game, lol. This is the same one my son actually found earlier, but it was all in German and the translate page feature in Firefox didn't translate.
There are English versions for G1, G2 and G2NotR. So no browser translation necessary.
OldFatGuy: ADDED: Screenshot showing Steam's Gothic 2 Gold, in which you can play with or without NoTR. Gog????? come on man....
Here on GOG you just get smart in time. I've made my own working Gothic 2 vanilla, works flawlessly on XP and Win10, easy to do. G2 and Night of the are two different games. Too true.
THQ Nordic announced a Gothic 2 port for the Nintendo Switch. To be released on November 29th.

This also includes Night of the Raven. I wonder if they'll re-balance the game for the handheld console?
But judging from the sloppy work they did with the G1 port, the answer is probably "no".
Post edited October 12, 2023 by g2222