drxenija: If I am correct that the way to check our ongoing support tickets is to login Support Centre and click "My Activities",
then that seems to be the case.
Because once I click "My Activities", I see "Your ticket has been successfully submitted" with no other button for starting a new ticket
PaterAlf: You can't go to the support center, choose "Orders and Payments" and then "Contact Us" (see screenshot)?
Edit: I think "My Activities" does nothing. It tells me my request has been submitted even if I haven't written one in months. And yes, no button there to do anything.
Ok, weird. Why is that even there then? XD
I proceeded to ignore that and send another support ticket by going to the homepage and selecting Support's drop menu. Then scrolling all the way down to click the Contact Us button as you've mentioned.
I received the confirmation in my email so I suppose it is officially submitted?
The other ticket still had no correspondence.
I definitely hope they can answer my ticket about gifting so I can gift a game before sales end
Ice_Mage: Last I checked, your original query is no longer included, so good luck figuring out what the @%$# they're responding to when they finally get around to it.
Ok, this is crazy. Any customer support has a reviewable chat history or at least a ticket history of previously submitted tickets...
Thankfully I made a copy myself before submitting each ticket out of habit or I would have no idea what I wrote a few days ago.