It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated
idbeholdME: What is that? An OCD where the patient feels an irresistible urge to play with yoyos during AM hours?
I think Darvond is trying to say "Since W7 is unsupported, 'you're on your own'". In reality, there's zero difference as to how W7 downloads GOG games vs how it used to when it was "supported" or other "supported" OS's. Nothing about the HTML5 or CSS3 standards have changed for anyone, let alone been deprecated specifically for W7 users. The process of downloading a file is still the same for everyone. Every game that worked with W7 still does. Many new games listed "W10" only (purely because that's all the developer tested on) do work with W7 if they support at least one of Direct X5-11, OpenGL or Vulkan render API's. Microsoft's newest .NET 5 and Visual C++ 2022 redistributable dependencies actually do officially support W7 (even Vista). And the main thing that determines web compatibility (as in being able to access websites) is of course the web browser not the OS. And even after all that, W7 is actually still supported through to 2023 under ESU (Extended Security Updates) for which there seems to be an easy bypass available to anyone...

Ryan's post is short on details, but if he can't access the GOG site at all, eg, he's using an ancient default browser like IE8 (and assuming he posted his message perhaps on a second device because otherwise he obviously can log in to post here), the solution there is to upgrade the browser by installing something newer like Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, etc. Other reasons could be making sure the firewall has an "allow" rule for his browser if he's set it to block by default and can't access the net at all. Beyond that he's going to have to give more details if he wants more help.
Just to clarify some info I saw here... the problem is not Windows 7 per se, but specifically old versions of Windows 7 (no Service Packs, for instance...). I had the same problem with some VPN software at work where one PC with W7 had that software installed with no issues and the other one was "this OS is not supported, please upgrade". After I installed some updates for W7, the software installed just fine (both PCs were converted to W10 soon after though...).

That's why some people with W7 can use Galaxy with no problems at all and others can't even install it.
And of course, things run on almost any system without the need for the “optional” galaxy client.
AB2012: Ryan's post is short on details, but if he can't access the GOG site at all, eg, he's using an ancient default browser like IE8 (and assuming he posted his message perhaps on a second device because otherwise he obviously can log in to post here), the solution there is to upgrade the browser by installing something newer like Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, etc. Other reasons could be making sure the firewall has an "allow" rule for his browser if he's set it to block by default and can't access the net at all. Beyond that he's going to have to give more details if he wants more help.
Come to think of it, it was also never mentioned, whether the problem occurs on 32 or 64 bit version of Win 7. A lot of people seem to forget that Win 7 even had a 32 bit version. I can see Galaxy having issues with that these days.

But yeah, as for browsers, GOG no longer works correctly on the latest versions for Windows XP, but I really don't think that the latest versions for Windows 7 should have any issues.
Thanks man!. saved my dreams of running some of my favourite games on my awsome old pc
Ryan_Sullivan68: i want to play fate on my older pc with windows 7 but i am unable to access for some reason
teceem: You've just typed that message on
Games: 0,
Registered in Dec 2021

Maybe a troll? I really don't know.
Atreyu666: Games: 0,
Registered in Dec 2021

Maybe a troll? I really don't know.
Good job, you helped a bot necro a post over 3 years old just to snipe at someone. 👏 👏 👏
dnovraD: Good job, you helped a bot necro a post over 3 years old just to snipe at someone.
*sigh* I should really take a closer look at the dates of posts before answering...
Post edited May 15, 2024 by Atreyu666