scientiae: movies these days are made for a different (younger) demographic.
teceem: So the movies I watched as a kid (in the 80s) were all made for senior citizens?
No, I mean they were made for the contemporary audience that have now grown older and reminisce about what they recall as the best part of their life, including the entertainment that (serendipitously) just happened to be around when they were in the prime of their lives. It's the halo effect, or guilt-by-association in reverse, if you like.
Having said that, Yes, those movies you watched earlier will soon be the same ones that seniors will prefer to watch (
mutatis mutandis) so your original statement is not false.* :o
* To eliminate ambiguity, your sentence should read: movies I watched as a kid … were all made for [people who will someday be] senior citizens. But, heaven forfend, the pedant who would point out your licentiousness would just be being captious.