sadlyrematch: Blown way out of proportation =/= non-existant. Please learn how to read.
sadlyrematch: I suggest re-reading my post, thanks. Won't respond further until you do. It's very clear you did not read it.
sadlyrematch: You clearly did not. Hopefully one day you'll be able to spot what you missed. Have a good day. I'm not helping you look for it.
sadlyrematch: > Doesn't read my posts fully
> Posts anyway
sadlyrematch: That's not all I said. Thanks for proving my point. Hopefully one day you'll be able to read.
sadlyrematch: You're really embarrassing yourself here. Believe it or not, there's other replies from me in this thread, where you missed something very important that completely defeats the point of your original reply (trying to "disprove" me or something?). Your inability to read is not my problem, so I don't have any interest in having a debate with you.
sadlyrematch: Thanks for proving once again that you didn't read everything I wrote. If everything I've stated is wrong, that means you are also wrong, since we both stated at one point in this thread that some Kinguin keys have the potential be bad (this is the part you were too stupid to figure out). Like I said, don't have interest in arguing with a retard. Go back to elementary and learn how to read.
sadlyrematch: Like I said, your inability to read is not my problem.
sadlyrematch: The reading comprehension of GOG users is abysmal. This is quite sad.
sadlyrematch: Please learn to read. Have a good day.
sadlyrematch: Your inability to read and denial is not my fault. It's the exact same thing, otherwise there wouldn't be additional laws in recent years to help combat stolen goods being sold on those sites.
sadlyrematch: I never stated they did, in fact, I've been pretty clear that not ALL keys will work/are legit, multiple times. If you two are just going to make strawman after strawman, arguing against stuff I've NEVER stated in this thread, then I'm done. Hopefully one day you two will be able to read beyond a first grade level.
Do you know the meaning of spam? You are spamming your opinion here. You should read something. Here You can repeat your nonsense as much as you want. It won't change anything here. You also can now repeat using the word strawman as much as you want. It won't change anything here.
I suggest you go back to Reddit. Maybe there you have more success with your spam.