CARRiON.FLOWERS: At least I'm not the only one who feels this way.
phaolo: Guys wtf.. attention seeker?
He just knew it was absurd and so called the community.
TinyE is a joker, but those who needs a warn (ban) are the scammers,alts and toxic trolls and not him.
Except he wasn't exactly warned, and like a child he made a thread to rally people to his side instead of actually talking to Konrad first to fully understand the situation.
Jokers demand attention and praise, or they don't have an audience. He's got a big circle jerk right here.
Theoclymenus: It's a shame, he's a funny guy and capable of being nice to everyone (I assume). But he chooses to be nice only to his friends and a dick to his "enemies" (most of them imaginary I reckon). Anyway, he has not apologized to me yet for falsely accusing me of downrepping him. He's let his popularity on here go to his head. He's a cyberbully, basically.
I wouldn't call him a cyberbully.