scientiae: (I believe to sum total of deaths caused by video game addiction is less than three. And really, who cares about those losers?)
morolf: I don't know, I recently came upon a picture on the net which showed Hitler with a video game controller...not sure if that is staged...but still, pretty disturbing if gaming might have contributed to Hitler's evil. Kind of fitting though that he was apparently a fan of console games, I've always thought there's something wrong with console gamers.
Ja, but only later did he use the controller.
Did you know Hitler stole the
first electronic computer from Tasmania?
Among his muttered justifications he complained that it was the Prussian Baron von Reisswitz early-19th-century
Kriegsspiel, and his son revised it for version 2 (1824), which featured the military units of the day, and simulated battles using die rolls to simulate unforeseen factors in resolving combat. When Colonel Julius Adrian Friedrich Wilhelm von Verdy du Vernois released
Kriegsspiel Drei (1876), he replaced die rolls with impartial “umpires” (a.k.a. Dungeon Masters).
It wasn't for almost a century that the Americans began their pen-and-paper assault with
Jane’s Fighting Ships (1898).
Only then had the tabletop arms race begun! Soon, HG Wells (1913),
Little Wars determined simulated strategy encounters.*
So Hitler felt completely entitled to take back the Prussian invention of wargaming, and vindicated his theft as a wrong that corrected a previous injury to German superiority.
* This is actually from
CRPG (2nd Ed., ed. Filipe Pepe, 2018).