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Back story first for like minded individuals main meat after divide
I love NPC's in games, I don't know why but the less they matter and more interactivity they have with the game world the more I'm drawn to them. Like I cant say I'm a fan of Natalia style escort mission in golden eye but the more Barney style NpC's I run into in games the better.
My gamer journey started when my child ass received a N64, I'd owned and enjoyed a mega drive before this, but npc interaction wasn't really a thing. But duke nukem zero hour had those marines that helped you fight in the first 50 seconds clicked with me in a way I cant describe and I was bitterly disappointed to learn that past the first level there is no friendly A.I interactions. The world is not enough, and perfect dark really cemented my love for these friendly npc's willing to fight along side you. in the 2001 era I Gained access to a pc pc worthy of playing games and played half life and Deus ex. do I need to say more? The seminal games with rich and deep autonomist NPC interaction changed me on a level I don't have the articulation to express.
Now i love horror games but has always irked me that in most horror games there is so little npc interaction which is weird given some of the Great of the genre have a fair bit of Npc Interaction, Silent hill and Resident evil (especially the remake) have a ton of interactions, and I honestly find it heightens the horror, having been with a companion makes the loneliness off some sections even worse. Thing is horror games on a whole seem to be moving away from this , the dead space series had more npc going on in a Doomed ship that had been going tits up for a week or more than it did in a city that was just started its out break and more recently Resi village had some promising moments at the start but then wiped out the remainder of the village in the first 30 minutes. this isn't even even talking about the outlast style walking simulator horror games that have sprung up in the last decade. aside from a few standouts they just don't do it for me.
Not even sure why I'm posting this I don't know know if I'm looking for suggestions or just to get it off my chest all I know is some of my favourite horror Games like the suffering and alien isolation have a ton of these interactions and I wish there were more like it.
low rated
Gormlessness: Back story first for like minded individuals main meat after divide
I love NPC's in games, I don't know why but the less they matter and more interactivity they have with the game world the more I'm drawn to them. Like I cant say I'm a fan of Natalia style escort mission in golden eye but the more Barney style NpC's I run into in games the better.
My gamer journey started when my child ass received a N64, I'd owned and enjoyed a mega drive before this, but npc interaction wasn't really a thing. But duke nukem zero hour had those marines that helped you fight in the first 50 seconds clicked with me in a way I cant describe and I was bitterly disappointed to learn that past the first level there is no friendly A.I interactions. The world is not enough, and perfect dark really cemented my love for these friendly npc's willing to fight along side you. in the 2001 era I Gained access to a pc pc worthy of playing games and played half life and Deus ex. do I need to say more? The seminal games with rich and deep autonomist NPC interaction changed me on a level I don't have the articulation to express.
Now i love horror games but has always irked me that in most horror games there is so little npc interaction which is weird given some of the Great of the genre have a fair bit of Npc Interaction, Silent hill and Resident evil (especially the remake) have a ton of interactions, and I honestly find it heightens the horror, having been with a companion makes the loneliness off some sections even worse. Thing is horror games on a whole seem to be moving away from this , the dead space series had more npc going on in a Doomed ship that had been going tits up for a week or more than it did in a city that was just started its out break and more recently Resi village had some promising moments at the start but then wiped out the remainder of the village in the first 30 minutes. this isn't even even talking about the outlast style walking simulator horror games that have sprung up in the last decade. aside from a few standouts they just don't do it for me.
Not even sure why I'm posting this I don't know know if I'm looking for suggestions or just to get it off my chest all I know is some of my favourite horror Games like the suffering and alien isolation have a ton of these interactions and I wish there were more like it.
I know what you have, it's a disease called... NPCphilia, it's chronical we can't do nothing and with the evolution of games and AI you will end up like her... No the pronoun, the movie Her with Joaquin Phoenix, great movie though.
My prescription, try to stay away from Alexa.

Now I think my favourite NPC in games is Clementine from TellTale's The Walking Dead, an awesome game very recommended, also Bioshock Infinite has a great NPC like Elizabeth very reactive one.
If you don't mind a fair bit of jank and aged 3D graphics, you could check out Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi, where you have to rescue NPCs who are scattered around a semi-randomly-generated castle filled with vampires, vicious attack dogs, evil phantoms and various other standard horror-game enemies. The concept's kind of cool, though on the NPC front, the pathfinding for them to follow you to safety isn't always great, so sometimes you have to waste time babysitting them until they can get their act together and find their way around the furniture or whatever. Not sure if it's what you want, though, since NPC's only really fight alongside you (IIRC) from when you find them until you can get them back to the castle entrance -- which is kind of a safe zone -- and (again, IIRC) some won't help you fight at all, or will do so ineffectually.
It should also be mentioned that, as the in-game clock progresses in a given playthrough, bad thing will happen -- survivors that you hadn't rescued yet will start to die (and I think I remember reading at some point that each such death will make the final boss more powerful or something -- not sure). Given that it's a horror game, I think this is an acceptable way to ratchet up the tension. But for people who hate time pressure of any kind in any game, this might be a deal-breaker.
low rated
NPCs are fun. I actually suggested it to Witcher 4, It would be fun if it had lets say 4 Seasons and NPCs were different in each Season. Thats if they go with open world design and choose to make long game.
Gormlessness: Not even sure why I'm posting this I don't know know if I'm looking for suggestions or just to get it off my chest all I know is some of my favourite horror Games like the suffering and alien isolation have a ton of these interactions and I wish there were more like it.
iIs good post. CDPR could easily build one feature around it for Witcher 4.
Post edited June 24, 2022 by CyberBobber