Theoclymenus: Sorry, do you mean that you find it patronising when someone who doesn't agree with you tells you that you are "entitled" to your opinion ? If so, I agree with your sentiment. I may be wrong, but at least I'm entitled to my opinion.
Cyraxpt: For example, you have someone paying for ps+ (the PAID online service of Sony), that person goes to a forum or a blog and voice their opinion saying that they feel like Sony is being cheap by putting on the service only indie titles, they should vary the games or remove the online multiplayer paywall.
Few minutes later the shinning white knight appears saying that person is an entitled gamer because he doesn't like the games that Sony is "giving".
Notice that i used quote marks on giving? That's because they're argument comes down to "You're crying about free games? Man, gamers are so entitled..."
i'm not sure I understand that usage of the word "entitled", I thought you meant something entirely different ! It sounds to me like you are talking about a kind of snobbery, though, so I'm inclined to agree with you, though I'm not really sure what you mean to be perfectly honest :)
i would just ban or anathematize politicians / politically oriented types of people. Any political party just wants to redefine the meanings of words, so that they can make promises which, when people later accuse them of having failed to deliver on, they can "refute" those claims, because they have in the meantime changed the meaning of the word in order to suit their own nefarious purposes. Just get rid of political types of people and put philosophical / spiritual types in their place and you would also solve most of the problems of shifting / bastardized meanings of words too. Just better, more honest, less selfish people would solve the problems of language basically.