fortune_p_dawg: I watched it last night (for the second time since the cinema) while playing some witcher 3 on my laptop, and it was terrible, again.
The scene with the capoeira trolls in the graveyard, the scene with the monkeys, that fat guy who dies at the end (who was he anyway), Kate blanchette is completely unthreatening as a villain, etc.
Oh and the part that took the taco for me was when they're in that Russian jeep toward the end, and they (including the jeep) end up in the river somehow and end up going over a huge Amazonian waterfall... The scene is framed so it looks like the main characters are sharing a 'jones family moment' as they travel over the waterfall with a limp "aaah" and all laugh together as they hit the bottom unscathed. I felt embarrassed for these characters.
Mr. Plinkett's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Review