rtcvb32: Lately i've been using BASH more than anything, followed by bc, then Dlang.
hexadecimal_stew: What do you like about using Dlang?
How it uses ranges instead of iterators (to do the same job, but less confusing), this is more for the named interfaces and how anything can be a range if you match the right API.
Syntactical sugar so it can do the same job. (using . instead of ->, those were annoying, and then you can for a function use . on a block of data and it rewrites it so it's the first argument, making it more OOP even if the function isn't following a specific OOP)
90% of the time when i give it instructions, i don't have to go multiple layers deep to try and figure out what's going on.
Unittests are also built into the language design, so you rarely need to even boot up an IDE or debugger.
Templates use () and ! instead of <>, which makes it obvious when instantiating a template or defining it, rather than the symbolic language try to figure out what is a template or what is not.
Then other language decisions, like even if you put protected or private on a class/struct, anything in the same file can still access it as if it wasn't; This gets around a lot of the protections being overzealous.
The lack of :: globals, those were always ugly to me.
Scopes which are always called. Allocate memory on the heap?
void* a = malloc(1024); Scope(exit){free(a);} which will execute at the end so you don't forget it, and even if there's an exception it will still clean it up.
And probably a lot more i can put out.