Posted June 06, 2018

Registered: Jun 2013
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One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
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./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France
Posted June 06, 2018

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted June 06, 2018
Slava Ukraini
Registered: Feb 2010
From United States
Posted June 06, 2018
I think it's a great thing for GitHub. Microsoft has become amazing at open source and is actually the largest contributor to GitHub. Them running it will be awesome, especially considering the amount of resources they have.
What really annoys me is the amount of mass hysteria on reddit. People who foam at the mouth at the very mention of Microsoft have trashed all of my favorite programming subreddits with their unfounded paranoid drivel and idiotic comics that they think are memes.
As to Atom, I used it a while back, but these days prefer VS Code (by Microsoft), however, those who like Atom have nothing to worry about. It's open source, so it doesn't depend on who owns GitHub. Anyone who likes using it, or committing to the project will be able to continue as if nothing happened.
What really annoys me is the amount of mass hysteria on reddit. People who foam at the mouth at the very mention of Microsoft have trashed all of my favorite programming subreddits with their unfounded paranoid drivel and idiotic comics that they think are memes.
As to Atom, I used it a while back, but these days prefer VS Code (by Microsoft), however, those who like Atom have nothing to worry about. It's open source, so it doesn't depend on who owns GitHub. Anyone who likes using it, or committing to the project will be able to continue as if nothing happened.

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States
Posted June 06, 2018

What really annoys me is the amount of mass hysteria on reddit. People who foam at the mouth at the very mention of Microsoft have trashed all of my favorite programming subreddits with their unfounded paranoid drivel and idiotic comics that they think are memes.
As to Atom, I used it a while back, but these days prefer VS Code (by Microsoft), however, those who like Atom have nothing to worry about. It's open source, so it doesn't depend on who owns GitHub. Anyone who likes using it, or committing to the project will be able to continue as if nothing happened.

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted June 06, 2018

Oh, but maybe you were thinking of Gitlab the software, and not the Gitlab instance?
Having a centralized company creating the infrastructure has it's advantages as long as it doesn't get too big and gets bought by someone.

Either GitHub is a lot more profitable than you think, or they're after something else. Remember they are held responsible by their shareholders - they must have a plan which justifies this kind of money.
That or the dollar must have deprecated a lot lately. :)
Post edited June 06, 2018 by Trilarion

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted June 06, 2018

Figured there might be some people here who will be interested. Discuss! :)

Maybe GitHub will stay usable, but I proposed moving to e.g. GitLab or some other alternative... I already read somewhere that lots of projects have moved from GitHub to GitLab (and probably some others) due to this.
So didn't MS have a direct competitor before, CodePlex, but they shut it down (or put to read-only mode) last year? Yeah I guess they figured they can't compete against GitGub with CodePlex, so instead they closed down CodePlex and bought out GitHub. I guess when earlier MS suggested CodePlex users to migrate to GitHub, the smarter ones figured out MS is going to try to acquire GitHub.
One unrelated but interesting thing was also the fact that apparently GitHub was owned by a private company, and MS just bought it by showing enough money to the owner(s). This reminded me of some people here claiming earlier that Valve/Steam could never be bought out because they are a private company. I guess it just depends how much someone would be willing to pay for it. :)

Optimus Pegg
Registered: Nov 2009
From United Kingdom
Posted June 06, 2018

We actually put Hudson in at my work just as it forked to Jenkins. Having got management buy in to change our tooling, we then go and install a tool that they hadn't approved (to them it is a different product), which was explainable, but a pain.
So remember everyone, whatever MS have done or might do to things, Oracle are the undisputed kings of fucking up OSS.
Slava Ukraini
Registered: Feb 2010
From United States
Posted June 06, 2018

We actually put Hudson in at my work just as it forked to Jenkins. Having got management buy in to change our tooling, we then go and install a tool that they hadn't approved (to them it is a different product), which was explainable, but a pain.
So remember everyone, whatever MS have done or might do to things, Oracle are the undisputed kings of fucking up OSS.
And I want to once again mention the fact that MS has been very good to and for the Open Source community lately.

Optimus Pegg
Registered: Nov 2009
From United Kingdom

./ developer
Registered: Dec 2012
From France
Posted June 06, 2018

One Sooty Birb - Available on, not
Registered: Aug 2014
From United States

Lorem ipsum
Registered: Oct 2010
From Sweden
Posted June 07, 2018

epic meh.
Registered: Sep 2008
From Canada
Posted June 10, 2018
Check out this Twitter thread. Don’t worry if you haven’t got a Twitter account, you can read it all on the web. MS figured out OSS is good for them a few years ago. You should also check out there’s probably over a *thousand* repos (some forks, some documentation but lots of original stuff).