Stuff: I'll attach an image of the text I believe to be missing if someone wants to translate to English? The first section:
Nobody likes to read long prologues. Especially if they don't bring any benefit for the user, but simply are meant as a means to deliver an opinion, which the reader/listener/player is actually supposed to form on its own.
This prologue however is supposed to be of use for you. It may help you with playing Albion, if you are aware with which goals we designed our game.
Albion is a RPG, and as such it contains a lot of fights, logical puzzles in dark dungeons, and the fondly leveling up of - to begin of the game - rather weak characters.
That's all part of a good RPG and makes for a big part of the fun of playing.
The thing that is present in abundance in Albion, often gets pushed into the background in today's RPG's, in favour of effortless understandable action: in Albion, a story gets told, that progresses through your actions as the player.
What also differantiates Albion from most other RPG's, is the fact that we tried to let the cultures in the game appear as lively as possible. You can talk to a lot of people, and not everything you learn will have directly to do with the task you're trying to accomplish. You can question a lot of persons over details about their culture, without learning anything that will help you solve your problems. So you don't have to memorize or write down every sentence or conversation you have. If you want to learn what our thoughts and intentions behind the creation of the world, and its cultures were, you can find out via conversations.
However - you can also just concentrate on the informations given to you, which help you to progress in game.
---------- The second red-rimmed section reads:
There is a file on the game-CD called README.TXT.
It contains important points, which couldn't get included into the manual.
Please read this file carefully, first.
---------- The third red section:
Please take care, that your soundcard is correctly installed under Win95.
Instructions on how to do this can be found in the online-help of Win95.