trusteft: Came out after the first Alone in the Dark and was definitely influenced by it.
Cadaver747: The only old game which was influenced by Alone in the Dark I know of was
Ecstatica: You're the man!* Thank you.
*or woman, I don't know you.
That's it. I hope GOG gets it one day.
foxgog: Hello trusteft!
In case you did not mean one of the two "Ecstatica" games (which used a very particular graphics style based on elipsoids in a medievil-fantasy setting), here are some other suggestions:
The first DOS game in the style of the "Alone in the Dark" or "Resident Evil" game series that I can think of, and which is available here on, would be:
Time Gate: Knight's Chase"
(It is actually quite similar to the original three Alone in the Dark games. But it is very short and ends on a cliffhanger, if my memories of it are correct.) also has two games somewhat closer to the original Resident Evil Trilogy:
In Cold Blood" (about a spy)
Bioforge" (futuristic one)
Another obscure title that shares less similarities, though, would be the more action-oriented:
Time Commando"
(Of course there were other more or less similar games not yet available on, such as "Fear Effect", "Men in Black" and so on. This style of games with prerendered 3D backgrounds with fixed camera angles were relatively common for puzzle-, action- and roleplaying games on the original playstation (PS1), as well.)
Kind regards,
Thank you for the extra info. It was indeed Ecstatica.