CymTyr: A quick look at the Neverwinter Nights forums on this website does not show anything about mice not working, other than one post from July stating part of the screen was unclickable.
The second person recommended a critical rebuild. The first one never commented again.
Unless your mouse is lagging, I'm not sure what could be causing this. It is also possible that maybe the firmware on your mouse needs to be updated. If it's a logitech, they update the firmware at least once a year.
Other than that, you provided no information other than what game you're playing and that your mouse doesn't work. You could try reposting this in the NWN sub forums, or wait for someone else to roll up on your post like I did. Unfortunately, I have no solutions for you, because when I play the game, it works fine for me as long as I don't have AA maxed.
sorry for the tone of my question, i was baked last night, celebrating hollies. i shall plow thru the questions and the fora and check out mouse updates
geoffhead111: k gog, ive downloaded nwn diamond, playing thru underdark version, dont work. mouse dont click half the time, sick of working out a puzzle cos i actually worked it out but the number of times i clicked the mouse messed it up, what's going on? like, the game won when i come out, now it dont???
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