Kevin_Luttrell: I think votes should only be given to people that actually buy games. 5 votes per dollar spent and only given to people who spend money for example. This way the votes from people who actually buy games have a lot more voting power than those who do not buy games.
Just a thought
First of all you are making a presumption that there is in fact any voting power achieved by any of us.
Secondly, GOG wants more customers, and if those aren't buying at GOG because the games they are interested in aren't here, then voting for such games is a way to encourage them possibly turning up and GOG getting more money etc as a result.
Thirdly, what harm does those extra votes do anyway? None that I can see, as they don't detract from other games wished for, as each stands on its own. It is the totality of votes for a game that is possibly important, not the spread of them.