MysterD: Eh, not entirely.
Disney slammed them for SW: Battlefront 2; Anthem failed; and Jedi Fallen Order did prove single-player games w/out MTX's can do well.
Also, as much as I'd be down for American McGee's Alice 3, I don't see EA doing this. I don't think Alice 1 and Madness Returns really did killer numbers for sales like EA likes anyways - so I don't see them greenlighting Alice 3 anytime soon.
Would like to see EA bring American McGee's Alice and Alice Madness Returns to GOG, if they had any common sense; it's not like EA's doing anything w/ those games and re-releases of these just to be DRM-FREE would be nice.
SargonAelther: Yeah, but then they could have done what Square Enix did with Eidos/Crystal Dynamics IPs and sold it off to someone who cared... But EA would rather let it gather dust than do anything with it, or give it away.
Do you really think a company that is ALL about $$ is gonna give away something they see as an IP that they own?
No way.
Like most companies - they'd rather sit on the IP they own, do nothing, and let it rot...than let someone else try to damage the brand and/or do anything successful with it.
Also, what's to stop American McGee from hooking up w/ another AAA publisher, throwing this same pitch, change the IP name to something else & new, and get this made? Sure, it'll be tough - since I don't think Alice 1 and 2 did numbers and sales - but, maybe he could get lucky w/ someone? [shrug]
Also, I think Square sold off a lot of their Western stuff (to Embracer) so they can try to sell a lot of their own stuff to Sony, which I'll still waiting on here, for better and/or worse...
Pax-Christi: Never played these games, but if the creator is that adamant then he might as well do a spiritual successor based on another literary classic. I'm thinking Oz would be right up his alley, it's just as strange as Alice in Wonderland if not moreso.
There's no point begging a corporation like EA, it's better to just start fresh and push forward.
Ken Levine and Irrational/2K Boston did their System Shock successor without EA, since EA was holding that IP at that time and all. Yeah, they did Bioshock series w/ 2K.