Posted June 18, 2016

GIFTED --> Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online: Exclusive E3 Digital Ticket Bundle
SUPERFIGHT Closed Beta Access
SUPERFIGHT - The Joiner Micro Deck
(Things I'm not sure if I can gift?? Mostly MMO addons and etc)
GIFTED --> SMITE (Exclusive Skins)
Pathfinder Adventures (40 Chests)
Super Senso (Beta Access + Sensorium Pack)
War Thunder (M5 Syuart Tank, P36 Aircraft, Exclusive Skins)
GUNS UP! (Starter Pack + TV Head)
Neverwinter (Adventurer's Helper Pack + Exclusive Lord of the Labyrinth Title)
GIFTED --> Warframe (Booster Pack)
Armoured Warfare (E3 Pack)
Blade + Soul (E3 Pack)
Twitch Turbo (30 Day Subscription)
Wildstar (E3 Pack)
EVE Online (30 Day Trial Access Code + 4 Ship Skins)
XSplit (Premium 3-Month License)
Check out the E3 2016 Digital Ticket Humble Bundle if you need more info. :)