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Caved in and bought the MacGameStore basic bundle. I'll try to play The Night of the Rabbit with my daughter, see how it works (and whether I actually get to it).
I bought the Humble Origin Bundle 2 today. Forgive me, for I have sinned.

The GOG bundles continue to tempt me.
SumoX: I bought the Humble Origin Bundle 2 today.
Yeah, me too. Before I knew what I was doing I entered a BTA price and paid it. I really shouldn't have done it and I'm ashamed, but my Dragon Age and Mass Effect really begged for their sequels. Not that I played the first ones, just a bit of the Dragon Age initial scene and a little more of Mass Effect (which I actually enjoyed, need to go back to it one day).
SumoX: I bought the Humble Origin Bundle 2 today.
ET3D: Yeah, me too. Before I knew what I was doing I entered a BTA price and paid it. I really shouldn't have done it and I'm ashamed, but my Dragon Age and Mass Effect really begged for their sequels. Not that I played the first ones, just a bit of the Dragon Age initial scene and a little more of Mass Effect (which I actually enjoyed, need to go back to it one day).
Well, when the BTA is $4.69, it's hard to say no, even if there aren't a ton of games you want at that tier. I think had I only paid a buck, I would've not cared about this purchase...but I spent a whole $4.70!

That being said, I think you did very well for yourself if you haven't played Mass Effect 2. While I think it's the weakest in the series, it's in no way bad. I already own the trilogy and have beaten it twice. For the second run, I ended up getting all of the DLC because I enjoyed the series so much. Still, ME2 has its charm-you'll definitely become connected with your team if you decide to talk with them so you can get their loyalty missions. But the overarching plot feels a bit inconsequential.

As far as DA2 goes, that was my real tipping point into BTA. Though funnily enough, I haven't even played DA:O. I ran it once or twice to see how it will perform, but I haven't actually dived into it yet. I'm just too busy now to commit to such a long game.
SumoX: That being said, I think you did very well for yourself if you haven't played Mass Effect 2.
The problem is I hardly game on PC these days, and I don't play a lot anyway, so I don't think I'll get to it for years. That's why these purchases are somewhat of a waste of money. (Especially if these game end up free on Origin, as DA:O has.)

For DO:A, what stopped me from playing it is that it's impossible to save in the intro scene. My gameplay was very disjoint even at that time, and I ended up losing what I played of it, and that always turns me off.

By the way, I just caved in and bought the Dynamite bundle on Comixology, and that would compete with game playing.
Post edited April 15, 2015 by ET3D
Hi all, I just saw this thread. I bought a bundle the other day. I can't remember what was in it, and my backlog is so long I can't even scroll through and find the games that were in it. I remember at the time they looked like cool games? They always do. I had the best of intentions. I imagined myself playing those games. But now, I have no idea.

Don't be me. ;-)
fartheststar: I remember at the time they looked like cool games? They always do.
They still are, years later. Well, except the early bundles, when bundling stuff was all new and cool. I paid a lot of money just to support the devs and get games I didn't really want and to have stuff to gift to others. And you know what, even most of these have games I'm still interested in playing. It's just that I'll never get to that.
Spent $1 on the Humble Tin Man Games Mobile Bundle. It's completely a case of adding games (or game book apps in this case) to the backlog just because of "hey, Android, and genre that I'm okay with, and cheap". But hey, it's on Android, so maybe I'll get to them one of these days. No, probably not.
Wanted to give you guys a quick update on how I'm doing. After the frightning buying and gifting marathon at the last Insomnia Sale (List here: *click*) I wanted to change my buying habits. And I did it so far :)
I only bought 2 things so far. The Android Bundle on Humble Bundle since more android games are handy. Aswell as the Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the first Sin Edition which I got for 25€ instead of 40€. I already played it for 50 hours so I already got quite some bang for my bucks. I am eagerly waiting for The Witcher 3, but I didn't preorder or buy it yet and I also withstood the temptation of GTAV so far. At the moment I am almost done with my playthrough of S.T.A.L.K.E.R - CoP which I started during the last insomnia sale aswell as a new The Witcher 2 playtrhough before TW3 comes out. Aswell as Dark Souls 2 ofcourse. I wish you guys luck with your buying habits aswell :)
Post edited April 23, 2015 by The_Blog
I guess you all know why I am here so I will not elaborate. Time to uninstall more games from steam.
Guys I've got bad news..... ;)

I caved in and bought the remaining games in the Saber bundle. Probably can hold back for a good while now, as fortunately, it was my plan to buy Star Wars games if they went on sale anyway.

Not going to buy the Blaster bundle, will wait for a better discount on those games.
Just spent $1.70 at Indie Game Stand for Journey of a Roach and Night of the Rabbit. Could have spent just $0.25 for the DRM-free version of Roach (I already have the Rabbit), but for some reason felt a little guilty doing that, so decided to get a gift Steam key for Rabbit.
BillyMaysFan59: Guys I've got bad news..... ;)
Haha, speak no further :D

BillyMaysFan59: I caved in and bought the remaining games in the Saber bundle. Probably can hold back for a good while now, as fortunately, it was my plan to buy Star Wars games if they went on sale anyway.
The saber bundle is one of the best promos I've seen in a long while. 77% off on 10 Star Wars games including Jedi Knight 2 which was just added today. That's pretty much a no-brainer and very unlikely to come along again this year.
If you had already wishlisted these games anyway, it was arguably the perfectly right decision to grab this promo even if you are trying to cut back on purchases. These Lucas Arts games are a special case anyway because the community has waited for these so long and good DRM-free sales here are sending a clear message out there.

I feel strongly tempted to buy the Sabre bundle because I only have one of these games (Kotor) and have wishlisted 6 more. On the other hand, the only game here that I absolutely feel like having to get is Jedi Knight II since I greatly enjoyed the first one back in 1997. The other games in the bundle I'm not super hot for but there's a few I'm curious about, especially Republic Commando.

The only thing that's holding me back from grabbing this bundle or even just Jedi Knight II is the fact that I'm still bound by my decision to buy a gift copy for every game I buy. This is literally the only thing preventing me from making a purchase now. Even though my financial situation is due to improve very soon due to having a new part-time job, I should not be spending any money on leisure stuff because I have virtually no savings.

BillyMaysFan59: Not going to buy the Blaster bundle, will wait for a better discount on those games.
This deal is far less attractive, yes. 4 out of the 7 games from the Blaster bundle are on my wishlist but the only one I have an immediate urge for is Galactic Battlegrounds Saga. That one is dangerously tempting because it's cheap to begin with even at full price. I've been able to resist by downloading Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun (available for free download) and satisfying those RTS urges that way. Already halfway through the GDI campaign. It's only a temporary fix but hey, whatever works, right? :)

ET3D: Just spent $1.70 at Indie Game Stand for Journey of a Roach and Night of the Rabbit. Could have spent just $0.25 for the DRM-free version of Roach (I already have the Rabbit), but for some reason felt a little guilty doing that, so decided to get a gift Steam key for Rabbit.
Journey of a Roach is a very cute game, nice concept with the crawling on walls feature. It's short but I enjoyed it enough to warrant the 7 bucks or so I spent on it. Havent't installed Night of the Rabbit yet, I'm terribly behind with the Deadalic adventures, so far I've only completed A New Beginning and Dark Eye Chains of Satinav. Kinda stuck in Deponia 1, The Whispered World and Memoria. Although I'm almost finished with Memoria but I've made it so close to the end without any hints so I don't want to cheat now.
Having trouble to find motivation with finishing my games, more than 60 installed at the moment, half of which are point & click adventures I'm stuck in. Then there's games like Spacechem and Prelogate which are excellent but I'm mostly too tired to be able to concentrate enough for these games. They're too exhausting to be suitable for relaxation. I mainly play games for distraction and relaxation, the challenge element or -heaven forbid- intense multiplayer aren't what I'm looking for anymore. Not enough energy for that.
Post edited April 28, 2015 by awalterj
Oh, no, three purchases today. In addition to the Roach, I saw Might & Magic and immediately splurged $1, which was totally unnecessary, considering that I won't be playing HoMM 2, 4 or Online ever, and there's a very good chance I won't touch M&M 1-6 either, even though most are DOS games, so can be made to run on Android. So it's really just a habit purchase I should have resisted. At least I didn't go for the higher tiers with the more attractive games.

The third purchase was Dragonfall, which was discounted for $3 at Google Play. I played some Shadowrun Returns on my old tablet and enjoyed it, but I need to restart as a result of a technical problem. So Dragonfall was on my wishlist, but like most games I will not get to it any time soon.

awalterj: Journey of a Roach is a very cute game, nice concept with the crawling on walls feature.
I bought it because I thought it might be a good game to play with my 6 year old daughter. As I understand it there's no text, nothing that I need to translate, and it's supposed to be a nice, good hearted story.
Post edited April 28, 2015 by ET3D
ET3D: Just spent $1.70 at Indie Game Stand for Journey of a Roach and Night of the Rabbit.
ET3D: The third purchase was Dragonfall, which was discounted for $3 at Google Play.
Gee, you're telling me about all kinds of stores I didn't know about! Now I had to go there like an addict muggle and check out what they have, fortunately I didn't end up buying anything.

Lately, I'm finding it difficult to enjoy anything at all, the only games I had a good time with in recent times were the Secret Files series (especially Tunguska) and a 2nd playthrough of Halfway, other than that I'm not having any fun. Looking at all the 60+ games I have installed and not at all motivated to play a single one of them so the chances of me buying something and liking it aren't too great. "Taking a break" won't work, when I come back to a game even after a long break, the sentiment is the same as before :/
Played the free version of Escape Goat which I did enjoy but I'm almost 100% sure that if I'd get the full version, I would end up getting aggravated at some of the more timing & precision oriented levels (the free version has no hard levels).

My habit last year has been to just buy and buy and hope that something excites me but that rarely ever happens. Had only a few real surprises where a game turned out to be genuinely enjoyable but those experiences are few and far in between.
The only games I greatly enjoyed in the last 1,5 years in terms of finding them the most fun and most memorable were Machinarium, Stronghold & Stronghold Crusader, NOX, Diablo 2, Resonance, The Samaritan Paradox, A New Beginning, Halfway, CLARC and Secret Files Tunguska. There have been others I found enjoyable but those 10 are the ones I had the best time with and found to be worth not only the money but the time.
A few games like Memoria and (surprisingly) Runaway 2 almost make the cut but not quite, in terms of quality Memoria most certainly qualifies and it's objectively speaking at least as good as A New Beginning (German version) if not better but in subjective terms most games are missing something. I call it Mojo. On the other hand there are games that have Mojo, for example Bad Mojo (no pun intended) but if the game frustrates me, all the Mojo in the world doesn't make me enjoy the game.

Right now, I have exactly zero games that I want to play. Made it halfway through the GDI campaign in C&C Tiberian Sun which I downloaded for free 2 days ago but I'm not having fun with it. My last couple purchases have all been duds that I didn't finish, I did buy extra copies for giveaways as usual and I'm supposed to report here about those relapses but I'm too miffed about those games to host any giveaways right now. It's 3 games and to make matters worse they're all cheap Steam games so I'm not even sure if anyone wants that stuff. Guess I'll bunch them together into one discrete giveaway but now isn't the best of times for that anyway with people wanting to get away from Steam. Of course, all the games I bought over there are not available on GOG, or else I would have bought them here.

awalterj: Journey of a Roach is a very cute game, nice concept with the crawling on walls feature.
ET3D: I bought it because I thought it might be a good game to play with my 6 year old daughter. As I understand it there's no text, nothing that I need to translate, and it's supposed to be a nice, good hearted story.
Yes, there is no text. The characters speak in a sort of garbled Pingu "language" and there are speech bubbles that explain what's going on just like in Machinarium. There is nothing scary or offensive in this game, it's all sanitized enough to be safe for playing it with young kids and I'm fairly sure it's enjoyable for a six-year-old, perhaps even exciting. I liked the game a lot, it just falls short of being in the memorable category I listed above because it's a bit too sterile and short for my taste but if I had kids that is the kinda game I would play with them, if they were into games at all.

I wrote a little review for the game last year:
Post edited April 28, 2015 by awalterj