*pulls up chair*
Hi y'all.
This is more of a preventative thing, a "what am I doing" kind of "before the apocalypse", "full of quotation marks" joining of the club.
I will first and foremost admit treachery and say that I'm on GOG for the games that I can't get on Steam or the games that are so bad or overpriced on Steam not even I would touch them. Proud abuser of the Connect and I have to sadly admit this in order to start this train, a game hoarder. Only problem is, that in addition to being a game-hoarder, I'm also something of a chronicler. And someone trying to keep up with 20 years of gaming history. Reason why I'm saying this is because I'm coming here after a recent Steam sale "breakdown".
I need to bore you with some history here, but this thread has seemed accepting of this sort of thing, so here.
When I was a kid, I used to own maybe five or six games and replace them every now and then (we're talking years) and play the living daylights out of them, not even finishing a lot of them. I chalked it up to a few things, mainly that I'm not skilled enough, my English wasn't good enough and that I'm not even getting the subtle nuances of what I'm playing. Then, I discovered MMOs, mainly, Guild Wars. I foolishly abandoned my sacred single-player meditations for grinding, albeit sometimes with close friends (and we did bond at least 5% more because of this experience), but I let things slide. Hardware was also an issue from about 2010 on. I missed out on stuff, is what I'm saying. I didn't really have the money for them either. Then, about 2 years ago, I re-played some games I had as a kid (because I had bought them on Steam), and I got into this routine of playing through games I played as a kid, then expanding to games that were out at the time. When I finally came to a stable life and a decent income (still no steady job but I have an honorary scholarship which I busted my ass for), all hell broke loose. I wanted to play ALL the stuff I missed as a kid. And to be fair to myself, I've played a big part of it already.
Fast forward to today. While I'm a functioning game junkie (no broken relationships or neglected academic or professional duties or poor health, knock on wood), I recently realized I'm really taking on more than I can wade through. When I read an article some years ago that an alarming percentage of games bought do not get played, I said to myself "hah! Not me!". Well, I just sank 40€ into the complete Tomb Raider collection. Alright, not too harsh, I've spent more in drips during Summer/Winter sales. But then, I suddenly realized the Metro bundle was on my account followed swiftly by Battlefield Bad Company 2. I was watching a YouTube video about AAA game design and someone brought these titles up as positive examples, and they just dropped like headshots on a Russian CS:GO server. Suddenly, I was "richer" (hehehh... heh. *starts crying*) for a whopping 12 new games (plus countless DLC) which are all around 10+hours long and poorer for almost 50€.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm a patient person and I have gone through entire game series over the course of a year or so with no internal pressure. In the last year, I have played through pretty much all the old idtech games (DOOM, DOOM II and countless mods, Heretic/HeXen) save Strife, and a lot of Star Wars games (got that as a gift, from my mother-in-law of all people). But right now... I feel like my own head is turning gaming into a chore. I want to finish Far Cry 1 (which is fun interspersed with all kinds of chepa and terrible) so I can go to Far Cry 2 (the one I hold dear to my heart and I actually enjoyed) and then Far Cry 3 (which, a small victory, I HAVEN'T bought) which I'm intrigued by because it was the first of the "big annoyingly populated" Far Cry games. I finished TR1 and had a blast, but then there's the expansion for it, TR2, TRIII, and all the terrible post-Last Revelation games and all so I can get to the new ones and Legend-Anni-Underworld trilogy I bought the whole damn collection for n the first place.
I guess the simple question I'm asking myself is... when am I going to play all of this?! I have answered that question many times, and the answer was mostly "when I feel like it" and mostly I've been fine, since I had an incredible itch for a game (like GUN, recently) and I very much enjoyed inhaling it in 10 hours. That's the whole reason I buy games on Steam/GOG, so I can play them whenever. But I feel I'm going nuts. I look at big, timeconsuming titles like Dark Souls, The Witcher 1 and 2, Arx Fatalis, STALKER, old Fallouts... these are games people sink 60, 80 even 100+ hours into and I am a teacher in training soon to be fully fledged teacher. I must admit that video games have helped me enormously in my teacher training, but I'm afraid my reptilian head will win if I keep piling up more stuff to get through. I have been a good boy and I've finished both my teaching placements and one of my two theses, and I think I'm still doing fine in life. I just don't want to spiral out of control, so I figured I should figure shit out while I still have the reigns.
I know abstinence in addiction is a bad thing... but I've deleted my Steam and GOG wishlists. I've had enough. I have 182 games on Steam and about 10 more on GOG, and I've played through maybe 100 of them (not even counting DLC, alarmingly enough I'm starting to lose track of those, last time I checked I had POSTAL 2, Dishonored and DNF). Today I literally paused mid-gameplay because I got a notification on my phone that Tomb Raider is on sale.
If you have read all of this, thank you. That's really all I need. I needed to get this out of my system. What makes me the saddest is the fact that I tell my dearest girlfriend anything and everything (yes, I have a girlfriend and she's the world to me), but I just can't bring myself to look her into her eyes and bitch and moan about my alarming knack for game-hoarding when I realized I've been talking about games almost exclusively for the last 2 months. Anyway... I feel a lot better now.
Any comments are of course welcome, my "that's really all I need" wasn't meant as a discussion closer.
EDIT since it makes sense to me to set clear goals for the future, I have set the next goal. I have hoarded plenty of games and I intend to buy myself a beast PC as a graduation gift for myself (this was much "pre-meltdown", and this hasn't changed). However, I will not buy any more games until I have played through the NEW games that came out recently and I bought in advance, on my future new PC (and until I get my new PC, I still have plenty of old games to play, old Hitman, Thief, Fallout etc.). So essentially, no new games until further notice for me. I'll start my Days clean on 0 today.
Post edited February 16, 2018 by _ess_