GranVaron: - an old game
- played on PC
- with a map as the picture
(shaped like a diamond) - player is the red team // AI enemy is the blue team
- like a capture the flag/zone game
- you produce troops and send them over the blue places, and the AI does the same to you
- How old are we talking here?
(80s, 90s, 00s, 10s)?
- Was the game installed on the PC or something you played online
(= Flash game)?
- That's a lot of wasted space
(going by your drawing) - what else was there visible
(in the corners of the screen)?
- So, the player and the AI had two starting positions/camps/towns/whatever on the map? Was this a board game conversion?
- The goal was to destroy all enemy forces within a zone, I assume?
- Done in real time?
Edit: what "theme" had the game?
(orks and elves, etc)? Futuristic
(space marines and robots)?