Lodium: If a large group is using art in a longer span of time forexampple the goverment then i agree with you. Thats proaganda or an agenda.
Telika: Add intention. Propaganda is a deliberate attempt to impact the worldviews of people. In order to impose an ideology (when it's in order to impose a consumption habit, it's advertisement, and yes, both are related in many ways).
But when masses of people produce art that convey an ideology "accidentally" (because all art does), simply by illustrating the shared "common sense" of the artists and of their sociocultural background, it functions like propaganda without being deliberate propaganda. It's ideological (it conveys values), it's massive (it's commonplace so the ideological content is invisible because it's "common sense" within that culture, but it's one tree hiding the forest), and it's barely conscious at all (the artist is seldom aware of conveying a message, he just naturally re-uses moral and elements that he considers going without saying). And all cultures are made of that. And all the good and the bad within one culture is reproduced through that.
And when people (of any side) realise it, they use the word "propaganda" as a (deliberately shocking) derogative term to point out the effects of these mass productions, conflating deliberate intent with indifference or unawareness. And cultural content (glorified norms, values, models) that you disagree with becomes "propaganda" in a "culture war", whatever the intent of the authors. And sometimes whatever the content of the art itself (overinterpretation, scapegoating, etc).
So, just adding this third (biggest) category. Between individual artistic expression on one side and calculated mass propaganda on the other. Most heated arguments are about this third inbetween category, defined by quantity, normality (often meaning elephant-in-the-room invisibility), and lack of conscious intentionality.
Youre mixing art and comerecials/art used in Ads/comercials.
Yes art used in this way have an agenda and this is to sell more stuff of a product to earn more money.
its not really the artist thats making the money but people with an agenda in this case selling more products.
The company behind the product hiring the artist to make the comercial.
Art accidentitly being the same is not really pushing an agenda or propaganda
it may however describe the current society in some parts of the world or it migth describe a setting in a fantasy world Aka the witcher/blade runner/Game of trhones
If a game comes out of some of the arbic/muslim cultures then its a pretty big chance the society rules are diffrent and as a result you will have art that reflects that, however that does not mean you will not have people pushing Boundaries in Art in those parts of the world.
Also, even if the theme is the same, Forexample Offensive sexuality, it does not mean the art is the same
You will have subtile differences. Some migth draw it in a cartoon style, other migth use other styles.
And Personality of the artist also plays a role
Thats why an orginal of one of the great painters are more worth than simple copy.
Also adding they also have to have some degree of renown.
If no one knows about the artist then their works arent worth that much.
So even if an artist do produce offensive sexual stuff there is no garuntee he will earn alot of money.
Its the same with youtube. Even if you upload stuff on there, there is no garuntee that you will be a hit among the masses.
Theres countless artist that earn next to nothing even if they dabble in the art forms that makes the most money.
So acusing artists or art to have an agenda or some propaganda is a bit unfair i think.
The Only agendas they will have is to make money for themself or to try making it or to Increase fame
but this is a bit strange to acuse them for
no one works for free longer periods of time, even artists got to eat and pay the bills.
And if you acuse artists for making money or trying to, then you have to acuse the rest of the people that works in other feilds that are making alot of money. Doctors, pilots, Oil, etc.
When it comes to fame, well beeing more known can help you get a better Job or better paid for the same Job.