FireMyth: Adding the icons won't really tell windows anything other than "that's an icon that i want on my desktop," Windows still doesn't know or care what it is and therefore won't have any of the necessary associations set up for it.
Well it does tell what executable should be launched and where that is located, but unfortunately more and more programs are coded to be completely incapable of using the resources around them and just rely on Windows registry to tell them a path to use for.
It is the very reason I install my games on a notebook and then copy them over to my gaming PC, to find out and backup the required registry keys so that I don't need the installers to get the games running after I build a new PC.
nightcraw1er.488: Any reason other than laziness not to keep your machine clean? I have max 2-3 games installed at any one point.
If I want to clean my PC, I will just restore my OS partition from a backup and that's it, whenever I feel like playing some of my games, I just copy a shortcut to my desktop and if the game doesn't launch, I will merge whatever registry keys it needs and/or install any missing Visual C++ libraries and driver updates. There is no point to delete a game from my 3TB gaming disk unless I am 100% sure that nothing will ever make me want to play it again.
SSDs are a different matter, but if I run out of space, I just copy some of the games to the 3TB disk and leave them there until I wish to play them again.