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It belongs in your collection!

La-Mulana 2 is now available, DRM-free on
The ancient ruins of La-Mulana stir, once more. Believed to be the cradle of humanity, they've now appeared to have given birth to unspeakable evil. Fearless archeologist Lumisa Kosugi heads to Eg-Lana, determined to unravel this mystery. What she finds is an epic metroidvania adventure, featuring cryptic riddles, terrible monsters, formidable weapons, and a cavernous complex you can explore any way you choose. As long as you stay alive.
Was the 15% loyalty discount only available for pre-order? I don't remember seeing that it was for a limited time on the pre-order page.

So who of you first heard of this and other games from DeceasedCrab?
I can't remember how I found out about this. I think from back in early 2007 when the freeware English PC version was released. Lol, I remember I needed to take a break from the god-awful load/save times of Gothic 3 and started playing La-Mulana on a whim and never went back to Gothic 3.

Saw his videos a couple years after I had completed the freeware version and they were pretty funny. Glad to see he was able to get involved a little with helping spread the word of the game.

Didn't DeceasedCrabalso contribute to the La-Mulana instruction manual that was created for the PC remake release (
Post edited July 30, 2018 by pidgeo5
Hollyhock: A blonde with a whip feels right for a MetroidVania
Damn, we've been figured out :p
I remember finding the Japanese version of La-Mulana while googling for freebie games like Cave Story. Part of the reason I never finished it may have been that I had to google translate Japanese walkthrough sites to even have the barest idea of what was going on. Then again, I never finished the remake either so I don't really have an excuse.
tinyE: She was kind of red headish in the original. She quickly turned blond for all the sequels. Probably a bleach job.
She was also green-haired in the original. And combining red and green can produce yellow. Mystery solved.
tinyE: She was kind of red headish in the original. She quickly turned blond for all the sequels. Probably a bleach job.
Grargar: She was also green-haired in the original. And combining red and green can produce yellow. Mystery solved.
Actually, in the original, her hair color depends on:
* Whether you have found the Varia Suit
* Whether she currently has missiles equipped

With the Varia Suit, I believe her hair is red (no missles) or yellow (with missiles), at least from brief testing with the famous "Justin Bailey" password (which is actually not special).
Kinda amusing that the preorder page went up like 3 or 4 days in advance of the game going live, and the game just dropped at random on a Monday.

I bought it. After a 4 year wait, how could I not? Think I'll give it a shot tonight - pretty sure I'm in the mood for something like this.
Cool, but after playing the first one I have no desire to play this one. Far too obtuse design that pretty much requires a guide or hours of fumbling around trying to progress. Probably appeals to a very specific audience, but it's not for me.
zheprime: Cool, but after playing the first one I have no desire to play this one. Far too obtuse design that pretty much requires a guide or hours of fumbling around trying to progress. Probably appeals to a very specific audience, but it's not for me.
I'd recommend you give the original another go, this time armed with a guide. Really, there's no shame in getting help and it doesn't lessen the fun. It's such a good game apart from the obtuse puzzles, that it'd be a shame for you to miss out on the experience.
Post edited July 31, 2018 by Downtown_Special
I tend to need maps for most Metroidvanias.

I've given up feeling guilty about it.

It's great when I play Metroid and Super Metroid on my TV because that is right next to my computer. I keep the map on my computer screen for quick reference as I'm playing,
Post edited July 31, 2018 by tinyE
The only metroid I recall playing was on the gameboy I was near the end, I think, and stopped playing it for a while when I came back I had no idea where I was going and after many hours of wandering about empty rooms gave up.
zheprime: Cool, but after playing the first one I have no desire to play this one. Far too obtuse design that pretty much requires a guide or hours of fumbling around trying to progress. Probably appeals to a very specific audience, but it's not for me.
Downtown_Special: I'd recommend you give the original another go, this time armed with a guide. Really, there's no shame in getting help and it doesn't lessen the fun. It's such a good game apart from the obtuse puzzles, that it'd be a shame for you to miss out on the experience.
I did play the original extensively, but I had to go and read a guide all throughout the game. In fact most people that played the original used a guide. That to me is just dumb. There comes a point where "a sense of discovery" just becomes obtuse. Things like pulling a lever and then somewhere on the map a door opens, without any indication of this (or where) is not good design to me.
I understand this has appeal to some people, but it's not for me. Especially when there is no guide for the sequel present. I'll just spend my time playing through other games instead.
Thank you for bringing this game to GOG!
low rated
Fairfox: so is thar liek locked ks items in game code?
i insta pass if thar is
You can still complete puzzles to get the costumes, backers just get the opportunity to skip them.