neumi5694: Well, I never received such a mail from stores like Sony, XBox, fireflowergames, gamejolt,, Steam, Epic, Origin, Ubisoft, G2A, Kinguinr or from game developers. But some companies surely do it, it's common practice after all.
Yes, it's quite common. Yes, it's quite common. Epic and the others don't need to do it because they can grant holiday leave, and the remaining staff continues to work during weekends and holidays.
neumi5694: I am sure you don't want to suggest that they never send their QA or web devs on a holiday.
I don't, and it's not about whether they deserve holidays—they certainly do, including weekends. The concern lies more in whether they have the flexibility to work
during official holidays and weekends to promptly address issues instead of postponing resolutions until the next Monday, to avoid causing customers who prefer using the website and offline installers an additional +3-day waiting time. It's about minimizing delays.
It's in their own best interest to communicate what's happening, providing a rough estimate of the release delay for website customers. Ideally, this information should be centralized on this website and, additionally, on social media and any other official platforms where GOG maintains a presence. Given their size, it's crucial to keep us up-to-date and inform us about it.
neumi5694: Let's face it: The release wasn't ideal, I think we all are aware of that. But blowing this up into a world ending situation might be a bit exagerated. It was just a case of bad timinig, nothing more. Shit happens.
I agree that unfortunate things tend to happen, and sometimes it's no one's fault. In such cases, I would not say anything. However, in situations like this, I feel compelled to voice my dissatisfaction without sugarcoating it or trying to find excuses for them.
If they are monitoring this discussion, they can take this feedback or dismiss it—it's up to them.
My only wish is for them to improve and strive to realize their full potential, instead of relying on patchwork solutions and encountering incident after incident, which risks driving away customers. That must not be the case.