Posted March 07, 2019
I don't agree about Ultron. I thought he was a real threat and was consistent in itself. Being an AI he was logic driven to find the simplest path to reach his goal and that was killing all humans.
As for the Vision, I didn't really miss his backstory. He used to be the android Human torch? So what? It didn't matter to him or to anyone around him. It didn't shape any of his actions, his ideals or any plotline surrounding him for decades. It mattered even less to the audience. The character fell into obscurity by the 50s. I've read the comics for decades and never saw a single panel that ties him in with the original Torch. The new origin also ties the creation of Vision to Ultron's actions like the comics did.
Regarding Thanos I admit that it makes no sense, but we haven't seen much. They might surprise us with hidden depths or even some secret motivation that the character was harboring all along. Maybe. Even then, Fox's Xmen movies wouldn't pass this sort of analysis unscathed either.