XeonicDevil: because i believed people could be better, people could do great good...
also my inadequacies ? or theirs?
also i have not reinstalled the game since i realized how responsible they felt... because respect is earned.
SultanOfSuave: Yours, because you have your own agency as an individual. This isn't like the other instance involving cdpr, where you may be owed payment or credit for work done, your own naivety led you into this. If you were unfortunate enough to have been exploited in the past, which, based solely on what you have said today (especially regarding your tendency to acquire system infections) appears to be the case, then I hope the experience has made you a more sensible individual who questions the motives of others. I hope you will forgive me for not blindly trusting you, as you have blindly trusted others.
I prefer you keep your mind open and wits with you than just accepting any story.
i can't blame your skepticism because.. hell it's the internet people come up with crazy stuff.
i know, i have seen it.
over 20 years online, you see a lot and sadly all of it unhealthy.
You have any idea of how drunk and depressed i had to be to write Johny's lines?
You need to binge watch 90's films like the Matrix, Dark city, Constantine, ect ect.
On top of this just lost my friends... Jackie is a constant reminder of my lost friendship.
I sat in the game... lost sad and confused as to why someone will destroy another mans life just to make a video game..
i sat in a dark place.. afraid, alone and no one cared they sent me to die.
and then some guy, takes your words and uses them to make himself famous.