Hey, sorry guys. I've been away visiting family but back now (if a little tired). Looks like I'm just in time too.
Haven't read everything fully (mainly the last page) but skimmed it all so I think I have the gist of where we are at.
kusumahendra: @lift. It's not that I am sure if dedo is a liberal. The way I see it is
If dedo is lying, then both dedo and Brasas are fascist. Brasas then can be elected and passes the F policy. This sounds good as it will make it 3-2 and fascist really need it right now. Except this step will also bury their chance of winning because we'll canned both of them, leaving only one member to make it work for them. The trade off is too big for fascist to risk it.
Considering this, I'm willing to give Brasas a chance for presidency
All they need is one more fascist policy and a well placed Hitler. What if greek or lift are Hitler?
They don't even need a fascist chancellor or president to get the third policy, the luck of the draw makes it pretty damn likely anyway after the shuffle.
So Brasas is in no way cleared, particularly if you suspect dedo is in anyway scum.
I was thinking this way at the start, but if all three fascists manage to get into government and pass a F policy then they just need a well placed and liberal seeming Hitler to win. Unlike Mafia exposing yourself as a F isn't a total loss if you've already passed an F policy.
But here's something far more interesting no one seems to be noticing or commenting on;
supplementscene: If this is the case Hitler maybe one of
Scene, Greek or Lift.
Sure, I get the whole include yourself as a possible fascist because no one else knows you're alignment... but referring to yourself as a possible choice for Hitler (in the third person) seems like a slip to me...
Or like he's just copying other's analysis to avoid having to do his own (because he's F and doesn't know what to say)
So here's where I think we stand. dedo is a fascist, by extension so is Brasas. scene is Hitler. Not sure who the final fascist is, presumably kusu or blotunga as none of the others particularly make sense.
There is also a possibility dedo and scene discarded 2 L cards and Brasas is being set up, but if scene is Hitler then he can't know for certain dedo is a fascist and will cover him for passing F so I find this slightly less likely.
I'm presuming we're still considering greek is the best choice for my chancellor?
Does anyone have any questions for me considering we'll be voting on my government soon?