DoomSooth: The creator of the graphics interchange format says it's pronounced as "jif". What either of us thinks about it doesn't matter. If the masses want to pronounce it incorrectly then they're welcome to do so. It wouldn't be the first time the majority has been wrong about something and it won't be the last.
The same applies to "GOG" and its creator(s). The difference is that I don't know if "GOG" or "gee-oh-gee" is correct.
This has got horrifically off topic, but the OED accepts both JIF and GIF as being correct (which is as close as you can get to a definitive answer for English. Note that English (US variant) may have a separate source for definitive answers). Sadly for the coiner, once they have coined a word, they lose control of it. This is why most people "mispronounce" a quark in physics. The coiner intended it to be quark as in cork rather than quark as in Mark.