Themken: Steam is a nightmare if you move around a lot. They think you are many different persons using the same account when it is only you having to travel a lot due to work. In terms of mechmouse's amusing story, it is like you are not allowed to drive abroad (but to be fair, you are allowed to move abroad).
Mr.Caine: OP didn't asked for a condescending lecture either way but it is a chip on this community's shoulder that everyone who uses Steam must be some kind of 'sheeple' in need of guidance from people with superiority complex over a gaming platform.
It is from my experience that the vast number of Steam users I've interacted with; do conform to the concept of a "sheeple".
Take the Subscription contract Valve uses.
When I point out Steam is a subscription service, all say "no its not", "what you talking about" or "don't spout rubbish".
Fair enough, the vast majority of people don't read the EULAs or T+Cs of the service they use.
Yet when show the contract that they agreed to, never once out of 100+ times has someone said, "Oh I didn't read it", or "Well, what choice do I have" or even "Yeh, well I don't care".
When faced with an immutable truth I am told "I'm making it up", or that "it doesn't really mean that", or "Its just the steam EULA" or my favourite "it can't be a subscription because i'm not paying for it".
I'm constantly told I'm wrong in describing how it works, even after linking the official Valve FAQ that confirms it does work exactly as I describe I am still told I am wrong. The best reply is an elaborate, and legally impossible, conspiracy theory that it must have been the publishers that demanded the restrictions and Valve are innocent.
Now you are right.
I shouldn't assume something about someone over a single post, and I have already apologised for doing so.