OldFatGuy: So, you post a question here in the main forums and inevitably someone points out you should post in the game specific forum.
Really? Is that the best advice for gamers who come to gog???? "Hey, we know many of those forums are so seldomly visited that you won't get a timely response, but dammit rules are rules, so please post in the appropriate forum." Seriously?
Yeah, I do that, too. I mean, sometimes tell someone to go post in the game-specific subforum. It's because I lose my patience when I come across lazy forum users that need help but can't be bothered to provide even the slightest bit of context. Far too often I see new topics like this:
user: my friggin' gAme crashes when I tickle the thingamabob!!!!111
me: Can you please tell us which game you are talking about?
user: BM2
me: What does that mean?
user: <crickets>
me: .........
Sorry, but not sorry. ;-)
edit: That's not directed at you, OFG. I don't think I ever asked you to post in the Gothic forum instead, right? :-D