viranimus: To each their own of course, but for my money something isometric is about 9$ too high for my tastes. Does not help the absolute flood of isometric games in the last decade.
RadonGOG: Well, and at the end of the 90ies/ early and mid 00ies 2D-ISO-games were dying in favour of 3D-1st/3rdPerson-Graphics...
...the games industry is one of these that really believe a lot in those who call themselves market researchers, despite mostly having nothing to do with research. If this wouldn´t be the case, you wouldn´t be pissed off by the
flood of isometric right now and Iso-Fans wouldn´t be still pissed of by what happend in that dark era...
That 3d perspective thing saved me tons of money :D i avoid 3d /fpp games , i wont play them ( too many motions makes you feel sea sick like on a boat) it has a way to large share of all games leaving a very small percentage that cover 2d games, point and click so the choice is very limited.
Thats why till now i am quite satified with most of the HOG, i can play at least 75% of them leaving enough space and varity for me to buy lots of HOG games, if i want real AA games i am very limited : only a few like jagged alliance command and conquer, red alert , commandos, fallout ( not the awfull 3d versions they release now)
Anyway they dont make decent 2d games it has to be fpp and 3d all the way....if 40 games would be released here or steam or anywhere, i bet i would be able to maybe buy 5 games tops, cause the resr would be: fpp, shooters racing platform .....