Posted October 28, 2023
Best one in retrospect: Resident Evil 1.
This defined the survival horror genre. The fear of entering a new room through a squeaking door, the noise of a slurping zombie slowly making it's way into your field of view, the constant concern of supply shortage while trying to get to the next save room. The terrifying intro, the first shocking cutscene, the often disturbing silence without background music, the dogs (especially the unexpected!), etc pp.
There just was no game like this before.
After that, I think only the games by Frictonial Games (with Penumbra Series and Amnesia) were able to generate a comparable level of tension again, Fleeing from this thing, hiding in a room and putting all type of junk behind the door to get more time to consider your next steps, hoping it would give up breaking in.
The last good thrill for me was Visage.
While the games I've mentioned before are masters in creating an unnverving horror atmosphere, you can still feel safe in various locations. Not in this game. There is almost no place and no time you can relax. It's constant tension. Exploding bulbs, creepy noises and soundscapes everywhere, an ever changing environment, total darkness only illuminated with dimishing lighters or the flash of your camera, a permanent dreadful longing for rest in illuminated places.
This is the first game for me, where I sometimes hesitated to continue the next day. Not, because it's too difficult or boring. But because it wears you out, it exhausts your nerves.
Playing P.T. (a classic itself) is relaxing in comparison.
This defined the survival horror genre. The fear of entering a new room through a squeaking door, the noise of a slurping zombie slowly making it's way into your field of view, the constant concern of supply shortage while trying to get to the next save room. The terrifying intro, the first shocking cutscene, the often disturbing silence without background music, the dogs (especially the unexpected!), etc pp.
There just was no game like this before.
After that, I think only the games by Frictonial Games (with Penumbra Series and Amnesia) were able to generate a comparable level of tension again, Fleeing from this thing, hiding in a room and putting all type of junk behind the door to get more time to consider your next steps, hoping it would give up breaking in.
The last good thrill for me was Visage.
While the games I've mentioned before are masters in creating an unnverving horror atmosphere, you can still feel safe in various locations. Not in this game. There is almost no place and no time you can relax. It's constant tension. Exploding bulbs, creepy noises and soundscapes everywhere, an ever changing environment, total darkness only illuminated with dimishing lighters or the flash of your camera, a permanent dreadful longing for rest in illuminated places.
This is the first game for me, where I sometimes hesitated to continue the next day. Not, because it's too difficult or boring. But because it wears you out, it exhausts your nerves.
Playing P.T. (a classic itself) is relaxing in comparison.
Post edited October 28, 2023 by russellskanne