Posted December 25, 2016
My cart on Steam is unusually empty this year, and I kind of want to buy more stuff. Apart from a few games I might really want and some special sales along the way it's this sale that will dictate most of what I'll play until June. The problem is that everything I find either is too expensive still (I Am Setsuna: -33%), or I wonder if I'm really all that interested in playing it (GTA 5: -50%), or I should be playing something else in my backlog instead (Tie Fighter: -50% but I never finished the Wing Commander series, or MGS5: -40% but I never finished Peace Walker).
My thought was to take this opportunity to share some discounts amongst ourselves. Not just what we bought, but a chance to say: "Hey, I really love this game and it's super cheap right now, you should totally buy it!". That way we can talk about games we like and I might find a few more gems to add to my haul. It doesn't need to be the cheapest game ever, just a game you like with what you think is a worthy discount.
Starting with some of my recommendations:
Zeno Clash: -90% -> It's a first person brawler set in a pre-historical fantastical setting. It's pretty unique, and for such a pittance you can't miss it.
Gemini Rue: -80% -> It might be my favorite adventure game ever. It has a wonderful story, an amazing twist that manages to be surprising and not bullshit at the same time. Veterans find the puzzles too easy, but as I was never a fan of the usual moon logic found in the genre, I think the challenge is just perfect.
Antechamber: -85% -> It's a first-person puzzle game, mostly about spatial traversal in an Escher-like world
Recettear: -80% -> A management game where you run an item shop for adventurers, you can eventually hire adventurers to go into dungeons and get items for you which you control, but the best part is the buying low and selling high, and the humor that goes with it.
: -66% -> A 2D sidescrolling noir-stealth game about jumping through windows. Also has a bit of a humorous side, one of it's songs is called "[url=]Defenestraight to my Heart" which should give you an idea of what it's like.
Valkyria Chronicles: -66% -> It's sort of an anime fantasy version of WW1/2, so it's kind of weird, your enjoynment of your story will depend on how much you like this kind of stuff. The gameplay is a cross between Fire Emblem-style strategy and third-person shooter.
Dragon's Dogma: -60% -> It's a Capcom made slightly open world medieval fantasy action-RPG. You can expect from it the usual from Capcom, the story is kind of balls, they try to do romance options and the result is amazingly inept, the combat is great, it has pause combos, dash cancels, all that sort of stuff, plus you get to climb on enemies to hit their weak spot, a bit like Shadow of the Colossus. I love this game, even the bad stuff I feel has so much personality, like it wasn't made by committee, rather it wasn't a group of people's honest attempt at doing something and even where it fails it does so in a way that is unique to them.
But now comes the best part, I want to see your recommendations, so I can buy me some more games during these holidays.
In case anyones curious, this is what is currently in cart:
Event[0]: -40%
Okhlos: -50%
Valley: -50%
Virginia: -40%
Tick Tock Isle: -75%
Reigns: -66%
Danganronpa 2: -40%
My thought was to take this opportunity to share some discounts amongst ourselves. Not just what we bought, but a chance to say: "Hey, I really love this game and it's super cheap right now, you should totally buy it!". That way we can talk about games we like and I might find a few more gems to add to my haul. It doesn't need to be the cheapest game ever, just a game you like with what you think is a worthy discount.
Starting with some of my recommendations:
Zeno Clash: -90% -> It's a first person brawler set in a pre-historical fantastical setting. It's pretty unique, and for such a pittance you can't miss it.
Gemini Rue: -80% -> It might be my favorite adventure game ever. It has a wonderful story, an amazing twist that manages to be surprising and not bullshit at the same time. Veterans find the puzzles too easy, but as I was never a fan of the usual moon logic found in the genre, I think the challenge is just perfect.
Antechamber: -85% -> It's a first-person puzzle game, mostly about spatial traversal in an Escher-like world
Recettear: -80% -> A management game where you run an item shop for adventurers, you can eventually hire adventurers to go into dungeons and get items for you which you control, but the best part is the buying low and selling high, and the humor that goes with it.
: -66% -> A 2D sidescrolling noir-stealth game about jumping through windows. Also has a bit of a humorous side, one of it's songs is called "[url=]Defenestraight to my Heart" which should give you an idea of what it's like.
Valkyria Chronicles: -66% -> It's sort of an anime fantasy version of WW1/2, so it's kind of weird, your enjoynment of your story will depend on how much you like this kind of stuff. The gameplay is a cross between Fire Emblem-style strategy and third-person shooter.
Dragon's Dogma: -60% -> It's a Capcom made slightly open world medieval fantasy action-RPG. You can expect from it the usual from Capcom, the story is kind of balls, they try to do romance options and the result is amazingly inept, the combat is great, it has pause combos, dash cancels, all that sort of stuff, plus you get to climb on enemies to hit their weak spot, a bit like Shadow of the Colossus. I love this game, even the bad stuff I feel has so much personality, like it wasn't made by committee, rather it wasn't a group of people's honest attempt at doing something and even where it fails it does so in a way that is unique to them.
But now comes the best part, I want to see your recommendations, so I can buy me some more games during these holidays.
In case anyones curious, this is what is currently in cart:
Event[0]: -40%
Okhlos: -50%
Valley: -50%
Virginia: -40%
Tick Tock Isle: -75%
Reigns: -66%
Danganronpa 2: -40%