Posted February 12, 2014

Bad Hair Day
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Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Sep 2012
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Posted February 12, 2014
Post edited March 02, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted February 12, 2014
Post edited March 02, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted February 12, 2014
I missed the great taxed to death and Redneck Red States debate. That's the main problem with our country they don't know how to spend the tax money they receive from us wisely, and the wealthy find every loophole in the book to keep the most of their money.
I'm in one of those Redneck red states, at least it used to be until Dubya Bush left office. Frankly, I would love to see socialized medicine, everyone get their 3 meals and a cot. Unfortunately, our elected officials are only in politics for themselves and any increase to our taxes is only going to line the politicians and their friend's pockets.
The first thing that needs to happen is to remove all these tax loopholes. One of the biggest being the investment loophole that Steve Jobs was guilty of abusing.
Also, on the list would be to stop giving away our tax money to other countries, especially those that have anti-american agendas.
We also as a country need better values. No, I'm not talking about christian values. I'm talking about treating your fellow man right. Doing your fare share around your neighborhood. Paying your fare share of taxes. In other words stop being greedy assholes.
I'm in one of those Redneck red states, at least it used to be until Dubya Bush left office. Frankly, I would love to see socialized medicine, everyone get their 3 meals and a cot. Unfortunately, our elected officials are only in politics for themselves and any increase to our taxes is only going to line the politicians and their friend's pockets.
The first thing that needs to happen is to remove all these tax loopholes. One of the biggest being the investment loophole that Steve Jobs was guilty of abusing.
Also, on the list would be to stop giving away our tax money to other countries, especially those that have anti-american agendas.
We also as a country need better values. No, I'm not talking about christian values. I'm talking about treating your fellow man right. Doing your fare share around your neighborhood. Paying your fare share of taxes. In other words stop being greedy assholes.
Post edited February 12, 2014 by jjsimp

Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted February 12, 2014

My thoughts: Every government wastes money, US is not alone in that. If all the high income citizens paid the effective tax rate that all middle-class citizens pay, you wouldn't need to raise taxes to fund more programs, even with spending hundreds of billions on military affairs. Its completely inexcusable that someone who had $75K in income has to pay the government a higher percentage than someone who had an income that was 7 figures. People who actually work to earn their money get taxed while those who do nothing - their money just makes more money - get away with paying as little as possible.
And I would never call socialism a utopia. Perhaps it does work very well in Scandinavian countries, but they have relatively small populations compared to countries like Germany. I had a German professor and he HATED the German government and its welfare programs. So much so that he left the country. I can only go by what he told the class, but the number of people on welfare is apparently large and because of the income and benefits they receive from the gov, they have zero incentive to look for work, because they live better on welfare.
I'm for government social programs for people who have legitimate disabilities - physical and mental - but when you have such large programs, you will have a lot of people taking advantage and ruining it for the truly in need. I'd be pissed if I worked my ass off to earn a living and the government takes some of that income and gives it to someone who does nothing but watch TV all day.

This is a big misconception which I hear all the time. While the US donates large sums of money as foreign aid, the actual percentage of the total budget earmarked for aid is tiny. Unless you meant spending on military campaigns and not aid.
Post edited February 12, 2014 by CrowTRobo

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted February 12, 2014

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted February 13, 2014
Post edited March 02, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted February 13, 2014

This may sound mean, but if you are physically and mentally capable of work but just refuse to, I don't think you should get any government support. Even a tiny bit is too much.
But like I said, I'm not against social programs in general. I actually received it myself for a while. I worked part-time and did not qualify for employer-provided health insurance. But I lived in Pennsylvania, which offers health insurance with costs based on your income if you meet the requirements (PA always had this, long before Obama - its a commonwealth after all). I did pay higher state income tax in PA than I do now in NJ. PA is a flat 3% tax while NJ is bracketed and I fall into a low bracket (1.5%). I prefer social programs to be handled by states than the federal gov. This gives people a range of options. You'd rather pay less tax but with less benefits? You could move to X state. This was how the US was originally meant to run - it wasn't supposed to have such a huge central gov. It still retains some state independence, but its slowly fading away.
Post edited February 13, 2014 by CrowTRobo

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted February 13, 2014

This may sound mean, but if you are physically and mentally capable of work but just refuse to, I don't think you should get any government support. Even a tiny bit is too much.
But like I said, I'm not against social programs in general. I actually received it myself for a while. I worked part-time and did not qualify for employer-provided health insurance. But I lived in Pennsylvania, which offers health insurance with costs based on your income if you meet the requirements (PA always had this, long before Obama - its a commonwealth after all).

Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted February 13, 2014
Anyway, back to bitching. :) We are having yet another winter storm. Employer sent an email out yesterday saying to check the emergency line in the morning, it will be updated at 7am. I check at 7am and it says offices are open. I get to work at 8:30am and I'm told that HR just sent an email saying all employees who can't work from home shouldn't come in and they will get paid without using vacation time. WTF? Yeah, its nice to get paid for staying home, but I was already there because of your shitty communication. I asked if I would get comp time or OT if I stayed. The answer was no. So I left. Thanks for wasting my time.
5th snowiest winter so far and till more to go.
5th snowiest winter so far and till more to go.

Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted February 13, 2014

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted February 13, 2014

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted February 13, 2014