Posted April 29, 2014

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted April 29, 2014
Post edited April 29, 2014 by DubConqueror

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted April 29, 2014

I'm not complaining about the cold because it really isn't that cold out, it's just the snow. I love snow but this has been going on since late September and I'm just starting to get sick of it if for no other reason then I'd like some variety. Raining fire would be nice distraction if not a tad more destructive. :P

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted April 29, 2014
Where's the problem? Put them both on at once for surround sound and stereo recording. It's a clever alternative to spending zillions on a surround headset and/or a stereo recorder.

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted April 29, 2014
oh man... buying unnecessary stuff doesn't help at all. I don't really feel any better by now. I still feel incredibly old (no offense). Wtf... Anyone else who has experienced/ is experiencing this? It is really depressing... Good thing, is also a psychology forum.

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted April 29, 2014
Got receipts? Return one headset. That'll provide the psychological boost of spending a bit more responsibly.
You can always do like me: mull over these purchase decisions for a very long time... and then end up getting nothing. ; ) I've been thinking about a new joystick for a couple years now and STILL haven't A) found "the one", and B) actually bought the damn thing. And it's not like I'm considering an $800 pro-sumer full-on HOTAS system, but more along the lines of $50 - $100.
For what it's worth, I usually feel better about NOT buying something, because then I know I put forth the consideration it deserves and came to the conclusion that it either wasn't necessary or that I can get by with an alternative.
You can always do like me: mull over these purchase decisions for a very long time... and then end up getting nothing. ; ) I've been thinking about a new joystick for a couple years now and STILL haven't A) found "the one", and B) actually bought the damn thing. And it's not like I'm considering an $800 pro-sumer full-on HOTAS system, but more along the lines of $50 - $100.
For what it's worth, I usually feel better about NOT buying something, because then I know I put forth the consideration it deserves and came to the conclusion that it either wasn't necessary or that I can get by with an alternative.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted April 29, 2014
Sometimes, when people's lives are very empty, they fill it with material things to make themselves feel better... Maybe you are depressed and feel lonely? Maybe you need a girlfriend?
Post edited April 29, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Desert Ranger
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted April 29, 2014
Just whatever you do don't keep a balanced spreadsheet of expenses/incomes. I recently bought a new TV for my bedroom and seeing that I am in the red this month really makes it sink in what that purchase did to me. While I have been thinking about getting a new TV in the bedroom for two years and the thing was on sale, it was still a very rash decision on my part. I did feel very good for a few days before and after the purchase, but that ended quickly when I entered that expense into my spreadsheet.
Post edited April 29, 2014 by jjsimp

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted May 01, 2014
I'm getting dizzy and I wanna puke.
In February my buddy came up with the idea for a game involving ships, a game where you try to survive a storm, you have to balance your phone/tablet to keep people from falling off your ship. It seemed like a cool and fun idea, especially with a cute and innocent presentation. So we made it. And we released it in late March. Then we decided to work some more on it and expand it before starting to advertize it. In the process of expanding it we added more ships, including quite wacky ideas like a space capsule. During the brainstorming also a crashed airliner came up but we instantly scrapped the idea because we considered it too insensitive so soon after the Malaysia Airline incident. We continued to work on the game and a trailer until two days ago, the trailer had the oh-so-funny slogan "this spring ship's goin' down". And I put it all up, I began messaging reviewers and posting the game in different places. Nobody said anything until I showed that trailer to my brother today who was shocked watching the thing.
Yeah, I was so focused on working on the game and the trailer that I completely missed the news on the recent catastrophe in South Korea. And less than two weeks later I posted a trailer with such a slogan and am advertizing a game with such a subject matter. Heck, if I saw a game like that released at such a time by someone else I'd simply be disgusted. And now I have no idea what I should do.
In February my buddy came up with the idea for a game involving ships, a game where you try to survive a storm, you have to balance your phone/tablet to keep people from falling off your ship. It seemed like a cool and fun idea, especially with a cute and innocent presentation. So we made it. And we released it in late March. Then we decided to work some more on it and expand it before starting to advertize it. In the process of expanding it we added more ships, including quite wacky ideas like a space capsule. During the brainstorming also a crashed airliner came up but we instantly scrapped the idea because we considered it too insensitive so soon after the Malaysia Airline incident. We continued to work on the game and a trailer until two days ago, the trailer had the oh-so-funny slogan "this spring ship's goin' down". And I put it all up, I began messaging reviewers and posting the game in different places. Nobody said anything until I showed that trailer to my brother today who was shocked watching the thing.
Yeah, I was so focused on working on the game and the trailer that I completely missed the news on the recent catastrophe in South Korea. And less than two weeks later I posted a trailer with such a slogan and am advertizing a game with such a subject matter. Heck, if I saw a game like that released at such a time by someone else I'd simply be disgusted. And now I have no idea what I should do.

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted May 01, 2014

In February my buddy came up with the idea for a game involving ships, a game where you try to survive a storm, you have to balance your phone/tablet to keep people from falling off your ship. It seemed like a cool and fun idea, especially with a cute and innocent presentation. So we made it. And we released it in late March. Then we decided to work some more on it and expand it before starting to advertize it. In the process of expanding it we added more ships, including quite wacky ideas like a space capsule. During the brainstorming also a crashed airliner came up but we instantly scrapped the idea because we considered it too insensitive so soon after the Malaysia Airline incident. We continued to work on the game and a trailer until two days ago, the trailer had the oh-so-funny slogan "this spring ship's goin' down". And I put it all up, I began messaging reviewers and posting the game in different places. Nobody said anything until I showed that trailer to my brother today who was shocked watching the thing.
Yeah, I was so focused on working on the game and the trailer that I completely missed the news on the recent catastrophe in South Korea. And less than two weeks later I posted a trailer with such a slogan and am advertizing a game with such a subject matter. Heck, if I saw a game like that released at such a time by someone else I'd simply be disgusted. And now I have no idea what I should do.
Post edited May 01, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted May 01, 2014
Well, these things are happening all the time so there's no perfect time to release an otherwise-innocuous title.
Could you use the existing work as a platform and change the graphical elements? Noah saving animals on the ark, for instance, plus there's the new movie tie-in... Besides, who wouldn't want to save little animals?
Or you could make it a drunk walk game.
Could you use the existing work as a platform and change the graphical elements? Noah saving animals on the ark, for instance, plus there's the new movie tie-in... Besides, who wouldn't want to save little animals?
Or you could make it a drunk walk game.

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted May 01, 2014

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.

Get Showgunners!
Registered: Jun 2011
From Poland
Posted May 01, 2014

In retrospect it's indeed incredibly stupid we didn't make it an ark game. I guess having that as the main theme and the word in the title would have been incredibly valuable now that the movie has probably raised a lot of interest in the topic. :P
Incidentally we've got a half-finished game about drink driving lying around...

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted May 01, 2014

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.
Post edited May 01, 2014 by monkeydelarge

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted May 02, 2014
Got into the bus today and got a ticket for kids...I'm 21. Got to work and was sent to a new area. They saw me and told me i'm too young to be there...again, i'm 21! I also had this problem when i first went to my temp agency. "Are you looking for someone?" Me: "I'm here for the interview at *time*. "Sorry but you have to be at least 18 years old to work for us". I feel like i have to glue my ID-card onto my forehead.