Posted April 09, 2022

Baldrick!, do we have any milk ?...
Registered: Apr 2014
From United Kingdom

Registered: Oct 2014
From Canada
Posted April 10, 2022

Not so creepy for me. ;) Maybe because I'm guilty of sometimes saying "I feel you" too? But I will admit, those same words taken completely out of context..., now all I can hear in my mind is me repeating those words with my voice in creepy seduction mode and it cracks me up! xD
Post edited April 10, 2022 by matterbandit

New User
Registered: Sep 2009
From Lithuania

🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Registered: May 2010
From Germany
Posted April 17, 2022

Registered: Nov 2010
From Sweden
Posted April 17, 2022
I was lucky enough to be in a situation where Covid had low impact on me but I really feel for the 18 y/o:s that wanted to party and see the world but had to put everything on hold.
The ongoing war is horrible but it kinda feels like ripping off a band-aid: now Europe finally can cut loose of Russia. No more attempt at playing nice or making business.
The ongoing war is horrible but it kinda feels like ripping off a band-aid: now Europe finally can cut loose of Russia. No more attempt at playing nice or making business.

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted April 18, 2022
God damn it. Whenever I let my sons play with my phone some game(s), afterwards there are like 10 new freemium games installed. And I have to uninstall them afterwards.
I think the reason is that the games they are playing have lots of forced ads that try to get you to install yet another freemium game to the phone, so they do. They don't fully understand what they are doing, they just click click click.
At least they are not buying anything on my expense, but still. I wish there was a way to block them from installing anything to the phone without e.g. a PIN code (on an Android phone), I have to check... Maybe I have to set up another restricted account for them, if it is possible?
The same with our tablet that they mainly use, but there I care less, I probably wipe it out at some point to clean everything out. Somehow they've managed to install a Squid Games wallpaper to the tablet. Damn Koreans with their hit TV shows...
Mjauv: I was lucky enough to be in a situation where Covid had low impact on me but I really feel for the 18 y/o:s that wanted to party and see the world but had to put everything on hold. When I was 18, I was keenly playing computer games so I wouldn't have lost much anyway.
I never really enjoyed "partying" in itself that much, started doing it a few years later merely to meet girls. When I finally met someone I stayed with, I lost interest to go to parties again. I mean, why bother, I already have someone to have sex with?
I guess nowadays it helps when the whippersnappers have Tinder and whatever. No need for partying, just swipe swipe swipe. I guess that sucks if you are a charming person with ugly appearance that people have to meet in real life to fall in love with you...
I think the reason is that the games they are playing have lots of forced ads that try to get you to install yet another freemium game to the phone, so they do. They don't fully understand what they are doing, they just click click click.
At least they are not buying anything on my expense, but still. I wish there was a way to block them from installing anything to the phone without e.g. a PIN code (on an Android phone), I have to check... Maybe I have to set up another restricted account for them, if it is possible?
The same with our tablet that they mainly use, but there I care less, I probably wipe it out at some point to clean everything out. Somehow they've managed to install a Squid Games wallpaper to the tablet. Damn Koreans with their hit TV shows...

I never really enjoyed "partying" in itself that much, started doing it a few years later merely to meet girls. When I finally met someone I stayed with, I lost interest to go to parties again. I mean, why bother, I already have someone to have sex with?
I guess nowadays it helps when the whippersnappers have Tinder and whatever. No need for partying, just swipe swipe swipe. I guess that sucks if you are a charming person with ugly appearance that people have to meet in real life to fall in love with you...
Post edited April 18, 2022 by timppu

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted April 20, 2022
Is it *really* necessary for a forum user to make a topic to attack another user?

Registered: Sep 2008
From United Kingdom

Majestic Debian
Registered: Apr 2022
From Monaco
Posted April 26, 2022
My cat just killed my three daughters.

I own Komodo dragons as pets
Registered: Aug 2012
From Germany

Registered: Mar 2009
From Denmark
Posted April 26, 2022
Got an injury in my right biceps today at work. Hurt a little but the arm still works which is good news because us guys know what the right arm and hand is used for.

Truckin' Along
Registered: Mar 2015
From United States

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
From Other
Posted April 27, 2022
Må ha en øl! (Got to have a beer)
Post edited April 27, 2022 by Themken

Not him again!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Finland
Posted May 06, 2022
Considering buying a motorcycle, but I'm a bit torn. This would be my first bike, so I'm looking for doing it on the cheap. This means buying the damn thing very soon before demand shoots up, prices follow and options get narrowed. I mean, this is Finland, so there's a definite season for bikes. On the other hand this in Finland - so there's that unpredictable war-fighting neighbouring country over yonder with Victory Day and our NATO application coming up, and it's hard to say whether I would be better off holding on to the money for now. Maybe I'll give it a few more weeks.

Ltd. DeepSeeker
Registered: Jul 2011
From Norway
Posted May 07, 2022
I've known about this for a very long time but it's still infuriating this got lumped under the "magic" carpet by the elite and politicians (lead poisoning);
And here I thought you were Swedish... ;)
And here I thought you were Swedish... ;)