akwater: He said it was taking time to get his papers processed. If he was going back I think it'd be sometime around now from what he indicated. I suspect he's just chasing girls, they're shedding their winter coats up there:)
KOCollins: Dude while I'm still UP there you know I can say this truthfully. My brother went to the war man, it treated him bad....he killed a lot of people and now he is in pain every day and there is nothing I can do about it....please don't do yourself like that, for your familes sake, stay home, we need great people like you....my dad fought in the nam, my grandparents in WWII...war just leaves scars, it hurts...there is no place like home my friend. :)
No more killin all.
Been there done both, got the T shirts and all that good stuff......
I've got a ticket for Sunday mornin... still not sure what to do, they said if I'm on the plane great if not... its cool.
Tonight however getting trashed ~ (so ill be back...)lol
Lol...... So check it..I just got the most twisted text message...
"Got my results and it was positive"
k, so the # isn't local. I don't have it in my phone either........... and I looked it up it's a number from another city.
Edit as of Sunday Morning at 9am, I am staying here er rather not going back to Iraq.
So I doubt I know the person but, when I tried calling the person didn't answer lol.......
Please please let it be a wrong number lol