JAAHAS: The latest Windows 7 compatible version should be left as an unsupported extra at least, as this is not a question about what OS our computers can run, but what OS compatibility we were promised when we bought this game from here.
Braggadar: I would agree that 1.32 should be kept as a classic download (or the non-enhanced version be kept as a separate game in our libraries), but that's a preference thing not a legit expectation of service.
We are not asking GOG to provide support services for [insert an old OS] users forever, just that they should leave us their latest compatible version should they ever end up releasing a newer version that is no longer compatible with that OS.
It is bad enough that many DOS games here can't be run easily or at all on original hardware, but at least GOG never promised them to be DOS compatible, so I will just have to dig up my physical copies whenever I want to run those games on my 486.