Posted April 04, 2013

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted April 04, 2013

I'll follow the project and maybe I'll pledge [really have to balance out what I pledge for, 32 bucks are reserved for Torment and then maybe I'll pledge for Divinity too...xD].
Dammit, Kickstarter is just another platform which enables you to throw money out of the window xD
Oh and damn, why is the Player Stronghold only at 4.5 mil? We'll never reach that T_T" (and now that I know it would've been possible -.-"). But I guess that if they make enough profit from the game, they may develop some DLC as well.
(Hopefully they will get funded, but if they don't i'm hoping the former happens & not the latter.)
Yes, but it's never been more fun to throw one's money out the(digital) window. :D
Who knows what is possible? Many KS projects(afaik) make a ton of money during the last 24 hours, so it's not totally impossible. ;)
I believe a few of the items on the lower tiers(Dunno about the higher tiers) are KS/backer-only(IIRC you can check the KS extras page[s], the main KS page, etc to see which items are backer-only.).
Post edited April 04, 2013 by GameRager

Disagreement Verboten!
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted April 04, 2013
The new Castoff's Labyrinth image is awesome, btw:
I wonder how far they've planned to expand it?
I wonder how far they've planned to expand it?

Registered: Sep 2012
From Germany
Posted April 04, 2013

I wonder how far they've planned to expand it?

Registered: Oct 2010
From United States
Posted April 04, 2013
I'm sure this has already been seen by you peoples, but PC Gamer ran an article on this game the other day. Looks really good; I love the art-style. Was the first game really that good? I've heard the songs people sing about this game, and I've tried to watch a few let's plays, but I was never that interested. Someone wanna persuade me and change my mind?

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted April 04, 2013
Updated our Journal (15): 1 Day Left! More Add-ons, Sagus Cliffs Set to Music
TL;DR: Sagus Cliffs in Unity with new Mark Morgan music (video). New add-ons! Colin McComb answers some of your questions (video).
TL;DR: Sagus Cliffs in Unity with new Mark Morgan music (video). New add-ons! Colin McComb answers some of your questions (video).
Hello Forgotten Ones,
28 hours left. We had a strong showing yesterday – over 2500 new backers (hi!) and $150K! Today is going even better – we’re well on track to eclipse yesterday’s totals. A special thanks to Obsidian Entertainment who, in a classy show of solidarity, formally pledged to Torment today, helping us to climb toward their own record. Can we reach $4M and become the most funded video game Kickstarter yet? RPG fans unite!
To review the rewards included with each pledge Tier, check out the tables on our tumblr site. Descriptions of the rewards can be found here.
And to look at the available add-ons (and how to include add-ons in your pledge) check here.
We'll be sending a brief update tomorrow morning, but with this one you've seen all we have to show. =) Onward to the finale!
Sagus Cliffs Technology Test
Here is a brief video of the Sagus Cliffs screenshot in Unity, accompanied by a new piece of Mark Morgan’s music that he composed for this area. We hope you enjoy!
New Add-ons
We have a few last add-ons to announce based upon requests we’ve received.
Wasteland 2 Beta Test Access – $20 – Get in early to try out, and help us tune and polish this soon-to-be classic RPG later this year. (Note that wherever it makes sense, we’ll be adapting the Wasteland 2 systems for use in Torment, so in polishing Wasteland 2, we’re also building a stronger foundation for torment.) Just in case you haven’t seen it yet, you can check out our first look of Wasteland 2 from February. You’ll need to have added-on a copy of Wasteland 2 (either through a Pledge Tier, through an add-on, through the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter, or through the Wasteland 2 Store) to be a Beta Tester.
Wasteland 2 Digital Soundtrack – $8 – You’ve heard a sample of Mark Morgan’s music for Torment. With this add-on you can get the 40 minute soundtrack of Mark's music for Wasteland 2. This add-on will be made available at the same time it is released to Wasteland 2 backers.
Wasteland 2 Digital Concept Art Book – $8 – Wasteland 2 concept art by Andree Wallin, Nils Hamm, and Chang Yuan. This add-on will be made available at the same time it is released to Wasteland 2 backers.
Wasteland 2 Autographed Collector’s Edition – $250 – You will receive a special collector's edition boxed copy of Wasteland 2 (PC, Mac, or Linux; DRM-free) that is SIGNED by key Wasteland 2 developers including Brian Fargo, Chris Avellone, and Colin McComb. The collector’s edition also includes a cloth map, instruction book, digital soundtrack, digital concept art book, a miniature, a faction badge, and beta access to Wasteland® 2. An additional $20 is required for shipping outside of the United States.
Limited Edition Signed Print (Limit one per backer) – $750 – This is the print that's available through the $1K Limited Edition Signed Print Pledge Tier (as well as all higher Tiers). We are happy to announce that your choices for the print will include The Ascension of Kex-Lianish and Dust and Water concepts by Andree Wallin. We expect the size of these pieces to be approximately 32” by 14”. (Other concept art pieces may also be available.) We are still researching our exact print methods but this will be a high quality print. We are looking at possibilities to print it on cotton rag paper, with a parchment paper surface, to create a true art reproduction feel. Unframed.
Stretch Goals Reached
With the flurry of activity yesterday, we surged into the 9th Fathom of the Castoff’s Labyrinth and past the $3.6M Stretch Goal. And about an hour ago, we sailed past the $3.75M Stretch Goal as well. The Hall of Lingering Reflections, deeper companions, companion quests, and a new area accessible through the Castoff’s Labyrinth have all been added!
Next stop is 16 Legacies, the Oasis of Mr’a Jolios, and more Mark Morgan music! Here we come, $4M!
Colin Answers Your Questions
Colin’s flying down to Newport Beach today to attend our closing party tomorrow and so that we can meet over the weekend to start planning Torment’s next steps. But before stepping onto the plane this morning, he took a few minutes to answer some of the questions you’ve posed on UserVoice.
For those who may have missed it, we had a talk with Colin recently and on Tuesday we released his second attempt at an apology for the Complete Book of Elves.
We’ll be streaming live from our closing party tomorrow beginning about 14:30 PDT. You’ll be able to watch on our Twitch channel here. Besides Colin, other special out-of-town guests include Monte Cook and Shanna Germain (Numenera Lead Editor). And some of you!
Just 28 hours left!
Kevin Saunders
Project Lead
28 hours left. We had a strong showing yesterday – over 2500 new backers (hi!) and $150K! Today is going even better – we’re well on track to eclipse yesterday’s totals. A special thanks to Obsidian Entertainment who, in a classy show of solidarity, formally pledged to Torment today, helping us to climb toward their own record. Can we reach $4M and become the most funded video game Kickstarter yet? RPG fans unite!
To review the rewards included with each pledge Tier, check out the tables on our tumblr site. Descriptions of the rewards can be found here.
And to look at the available add-ons (and how to include add-ons in your pledge) check here.
We'll be sending a brief update tomorrow morning, but with this one you've seen all we have to show. =) Onward to the finale!
Sagus Cliffs Technology Test
Here is a brief video of the Sagus Cliffs screenshot in Unity, accompanied by a new piece of Mark Morgan’s music that he composed for this area. We hope you enjoy!
New Add-ons
We have a few last add-ons to announce based upon requests we’ve received.
Wasteland 2 Beta Test Access – $20 – Get in early to try out, and help us tune and polish this soon-to-be classic RPG later this year. (Note that wherever it makes sense, we’ll be adapting the Wasteland 2 systems for use in Torment, so in polishing Wasteland 2, we’re also building a stronger foundation for torment.) Just in case you haven’t seen it yet, you can check out our first look of Wasteland 2 from February. You’ll need to have added-on a copy of Wasteland 2 (either through a Pledge Tier, through an add-on, through the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter, or through the Wasteland 2 Store) to be a Beta Tester.
Wasteland 2 Digital Soundtrack – $8 – You’ve heard a sample of Mark Morgan’s music for Torment. With this add-on you can get the 40 minute soundtrack of Mark's music for Wasteland 2. This add-on will be made available at the same time it is released to Wasteland 2 backers.
Wasteland 2 Digital Concept Art Book – $8 – Wasteland 2 concept art by Andree Wallin, Nils Hamm, and Chang Yuan. This add-on will be made available at the same time it is released to Wasteland 2 backers.
Wasteland 2 Autographed Collector’s Edition – $250 – You will receive a special collector's edition boxed copy of Wasteland 2 (PC, Mac, or Linux; DRM-free) that is SIGNED by key Wasteland 2 developers including Brian Fargo, Chris Avellone, and Colin McComb. The collector’s edition also includes a cloth map, instruction book, digital soundtrack, digital concept art book, a miniature, a faction badge, and beta access to Wasteland® 2. An additional $20 is required for shipping outside of the United States.
Limited Edition Signed Print (Limit one per backer) – $750 – This is the print that's available through the $1K Limited Edition Signed Print Pledge Tier (as well as all higher Tiers). We are happy to announce that your choices for the print will include The Ascension of Kex-Lianish and Dust and Water concepts by Andree Wallin. We expect the size of these pieces to be approximately 32” by 14”. (Other concept art pieces may also be available.) We are still researching our exact print methods but this will be a high quality print. We are looking at possibilities to print it on cotton rag paper, with a parchment paper surface, to create a true art reproduction feel. Unframed.
Stretch Goals Reached
With the flurry of activity yesterday, we surged into the 9th Fathom of the Castoff’s Labyrinth and past the $3.6M Stretch Goal. And about an hour ago, we sailed past the $3.75M Stretch Goal as well. The Hall of Lingering Reflections, deeper companions, companion quests, and a new area accessible through the Castoff’s Labyrinth have all been added!
Next stop is 16 Legacies, the Oasis of Mr’a Jolios, and more Mark Morgan music! Here we come, $4M!
Colin Answers Your Questions
Colin’s flying down to Newport Beach today to attend our closing party tomorrow and so that we can meet over the weekend to start planning Torment’s next steps. But before stepping onto the plane this morning, he took a few minutes to answer some of the questions you’ve posed on UserVoice.
For those who may have missed it, we had a talk with Colin recently and on Tuesday we released his second attempt at an apology for the Complete Book of Elves.
We’ll be streaming live from our closing party tomorrow beginning about 14:30 PDT. You’ll be able to watch on our Twitch channel here. Besides Colin, other special out-of-town guests include Monte Cook and Shanna Germain (Numenera Lead Editor). And some of you!
Just 28 hours left!
Kevin Saunders
Project Lead

Registered: Sep 2012
From Germany
Posted April 04, 2013
Observation No1: I don't think this McComb guy is funny.
Obvervation No2: Damn, you can pledge whatever you like and they only charge your card when the Kickstarter's over o.0 What happens if there isn't enough money on your card (I know credit cards normally have unlimited credit, but let's say you have a rechargeable one)?
That said, made my pledge. Now we'll have to wait and see if we can get to 4kk!!!
Observation No4: Seems many backers just update their pledge to help reach the goals (although there are new backers...).
Will probably watch a bit of the party livestream tomorrow, although not all because it's gonna be late...
Last Observation: Gotta stay away from Kickstarter now, because it's waaaaaaaaaay to easy to press that damn pledge button :D (And I'll probably pledge for Divinity and keep and eye on Consortium anyhow xD).
Obvervation No2: Damn, you can pledge whatever you like and they only charge your card when the Kickstarter's over o.0 What happens if there isn't enough money on your card (I know credit cards normally have unlimited credit, but let's say you have a rechargeable one)?
That said, made my pledge. Now we'll have to wait and see if we can get to 4kk!!!
Observation No4: Seems many backers just update their pledge to help reach the goals (although there are new backers...).
Will probably watch a bit of the party livestream tomorrow, although not all because it's gonna be late...
Last Observation: Gotta stay away from Kickstarter now, because it's waaaaaaaaaay to easy to press that damn pledge button :D (And I'll probably pledge for Divinity and keep and eye on Consortium anyhow xD).

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted April 04, 2013

FWIW credit cards generally DO have pre determined limits......
Post edited April 04, 2013 by nijuu

Registered: Nov 2008
From Sweden
Posted April 04, 2013

EDIT: better answer above, courtesy of nijuu.
Post edited April 04, 2013 by Maighstir

Registered: Dec 2010
From Uruguay
Posted April 04, 2013

Obvervation No2: Damn, you can pledge whatever you like and they only charge your card when the Kickstarter's over o.0 What happens if there isn't enough money on your card (I know credit cards normally have unlimited credit, but let's say you have a rechargeable one)?
That said, made my pledge. Now we'll have to wait and see if we can get to 4kk!!!
Observation No4: Seems many backers just update their pledge to help reach the goals (although there are new backers...).
Will probably watch a bit of the party livestream tomorrow, although not all because it's gonna be late...
Last Observation: Gotta stay away from Kickstarter now, because it's waaaaaaaaaay to easy to press that damn pledge button :D (And I'll probably pledge for Divinity and keep and eye on Consortium anyhow xD).

Registered: Sep 2012
From Germany
Posted April 04, 2013

FWIW credit cards generally DO have pre determined limits......
And I figured that would happen. Still, everyone could just pledge 10 000 and then later they just couldn't pay, but the porject would be funded. That would be a disaster xD
Haha, looks like someone IS paying attention around here....... :D

inXile dev
Registered: Sep 2008
From Netherlands

Registered: Sep 2012
From Germany
Posted April 04, 2013

And I figured that would happen. Still, everyone could just pledge 10 000 and then later they just couldn't pay, but the porject would be funded. That would be a disaster xD

And do you guys think it's okay to spread the word about here) in the comments section? Or would it be regarded as spam/advertising? It's for a good cause though, so yeah...

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted April 04, 2013

And do you guys think it's okay to spread the word about here) in the comments section? Or would it be regarded as spam/advertising? It's for a good cause though, so yeah...

Registered: Sep 2012
From Germany
Posted April 05, 2013

And do you guys think it's okay to spread the word about here) in the comments section? Or would it be regarded as spam/advertising? It's for a good cause though, so yeah...