Braggadar: Whether or not the developers (and potentially publisher devs) intended to ship their games with Unity telemetry active is a moot point for me. They built (and sold) the game, so they're responsible for the state of said game.
Exactly. Unity does not hide any information about telemetry, how it is used, who is responsible for the data, which data they demand from developers, that protection of
privacy data is a shared responsibility, etc. So, developers can't claim they don't know about the existence of analytics and telemetry, whether they can be disabled, or opted out of, either by them or any end-user.
Developer Privacy Policy I wonder why they have not yet started to collect blood, stool, and urine samples, dental impression and asking for the firstborn child of their customers. vv221: That the game developers decided to make us pay in their stead is not something that can be easily dismissed.
They are also paying with
their data, and some simply don't care what happens to ours.
Luckily, there are also responsible developers out there who take our privacy seriously and minimize data collection. They use 3rd-party, non-invasive data analytics providers. Those who don't care are also beginning to explore other services, not out of concern for our privacy but because it costs them more to use Unity services.