rtcvb32: Wouldn't users of UE4, Unity, and any other engine be an 'end user'?
EverNightX: An end user refers to the ultimate consumer of a product
Pretty sure devs are the end user of the Unreal Engine editor.. yes... A product the dev creates the end user is another customer.
I don't push that GCC's end user is the average program user, they use programs i'd compile using source code.
EverNightX: , and in this case the product is the game.
Only if the sole purpose of said engine was made for that specific game. Much like a Tire being made it's sole purpose is to be added to a car or truck.
EverNightX: So no, the developer is not the end user.
In that case everyone should be downloading Unity and Unreal Engine, and using that... who needs the game to be made, Unity and Unreal are for the end user!
Wee! Look i can rotate this table on the screen, How fun! I can do this for 100 hours and... not level up or use my controller or anything at all. Weee!
EverNightX: I suppose if you want to stretch you could argue they are a middle user of the engine or something but it's kind of getting in the weeds.
No... It's a tool and an engine to be used by the Dev, much like again GCC where it helps you compile code. Unless of course you think devs are just middle user for customers to use their programs.
EverNightX: Anyway, I'm sorry, but I think I can feel myself getting dumber by talking with you so let's just stop at this point.
Nah, i like disassembling this logic with sarcasm.