GoldenGoblinI: Yes you will be receiving the early access within a couple of days, I'm working on putting it together. the scripting language of my install package program is a pain in the butt. I have the mouse wheel code, I just have not put it in yet, I have to flush out another problem first. Please take down notes of what you would like to see changed I am going to try my best to fulfill every request I can. You mentioned in the options menu text not showing up? It shows up for me, I'm not really sure what you mean, when you have time if you can send me a screenshot that would be nice. Thanks again, let me know if there is anything you need.
Oh I was going to let you know also, the demo isnt very balanced as far as combat goes. and there are certain places you will not be able to go due to it being the demo. You will have much more fun with the early access.
Okay, I took three, two of the tabs I can see the text, but under Rules I can't.