Someone stole my registered HL1 DM (and Quake/UT) nick (ereaser) when WON switched to Steam (And this was before you could pick any nick) I was just too slow to go with Steam and that whole thing. Since I was in league gaming back then this was an issue. So I had to think up a new variation of it ;(
Yes, it's really that simple ;/ I still wanted to use that nick, since it was my nick since.. well before online gaming, arcade nick was ERE (and this is why it's EREaser, and not Eraser.. anyhow.. since then this is my nick, and only 1 other person uses it on the whole web.
Long story short, since I couldn't use my original nick, I used 133t5p33k since that was a thing back then.... oh well.
You can laugh now.. :)
Post edited December 31, 2015 by eRe4s3r