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This is a closed Forum Voyage (dungeon) game take-off of Doc's 2019 Enter my dungeon if you dare ... Northern Tunnel forum dungeon game. The Cursed Crew players have already signed on, this is the game thread for Voyage 2024. The thread for Part 1 of this game can be found here - Voyage of the Cursed Crew and here for the Cursed Crew Interim Adventures. All are invited to enjoy reading the thread, but non-Crew (non-players) please refrain from posting comments in this thread to help both the players and myself to concentrate on the action and role play. You may post your observations in 2024 Pirate Day Thread. Thank you.

Helpful Links:
The Ship, deck plan
Voyage of the Cursed Crew - Part 1
Cursed Crew Interim Adventures
A Pirate's Glossary of Terms
A Very Good Translator English to Pirate/Pirate to English

RULES OF THE SHIP (dungeon game):
1) Cursed Crew participants must keep their PM's open to public or friend me so I can contact you at need during the GA dungeon.
2) Action - Turns will take place twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays UTC. End of Turn times will be announced in game thread and by linked countdown if possible. Missions may have several turns. Results of actions/decisions will be posted at the start of each Turn. Please remember I will need time to roll and organize results before posting the next turn.
3) Role Play - Role play is encouraged, pirate speak is not required. You may pirate speak in RP if you wish, but please post your actions in English so all may follow along and enjoy the thread.
4) Treachery - According to Cap'n B, we be the GrOG Brethren. The Code of the Brethren strongly discouraged treachery or stealing from fellow Brethren and the price for it was nay pretty. So while I will allow some, think ye well, for ye will have to cooperate to achieve the end, and yer mateys may not take kindly to it and 'forget' to bring yer stunned arse back to the ship. **Be ye warned, Wards have been emplaced by Captain Aylar and deadly and dire action may befall those who seek treachery aboard Ship.**
5) Race/Armor/Weapons/Spells - To simplify and make things easier to keep track of there will be no set armor or spells. Ye be boarding a Cursed Ship, with Cursed Weapons to choose from that will grant ye special bonuses and abilities per that weapon. You have also chosen Races and a common weapon which may have bonuses as per your starting PM or later additions.
6) The Admiral 'once known as Polly' controls the Ship according to Doc's original tale. She WILL leave yer behind behind if ye dawdle, or yer brethren don't remember to haul it back aboard Ship for ye (if afk/stunned/incapacitated). You MUST be able to make yer way back to the Ship or be hauled back - so when the Mission seems to be coming to the end be sure to post if you need help or if you are bringing your fellow Crew back with you.
7) Death does not disqualify ye from the Booty, and tis not necessarily the end of ye. ;)

I have a deck of capricious cards and deadly dice. Warning - hilarity may ensue.
At the start of each Mission I will shuffle the deck and draw a card for each Crew member still in play. That card will determine your Luck for the duration of that Mission, unless something seems to indicate otherwise. Spades mean offensive luck, Clubs mean defensive luck, Diamonds are opportunity luck, Hearts are health luck. The number on the card is the influence of the luck good or bad. A joker (there are 2) means something unnatural or extraordinary will happen and the result will be based on the next card.
At the start of each turn I will roll dice to determine initiative. Some races have naturally high initiative (Halflings! Elves, Felinoids) which give a small bonus. The combination of the dice rolls and the luck cards will determine the results of your actions.
Remember, as each Mission is coming to an end, you must be able to get back aboard the Ship. If you are afk, stunned or incapacitated you are at the mercy of your fellow crew. You may grunt, groan, gesture for help (if possible) or otherwise indicate you need help. Those crew still fit, post if you are helping bring your fellow Crew back aboard.

RACE STATS: (yours may differ based on possible bonuses in your PM)
Human - standard | Half-elf +1 Agility, -1 Constitution
Dwarf - +1 Strength, Constitution; -1 Agility, Stealth | Half-Dwarf +1 Constitution; -1 Agility
Halfling - +1 Dexterity, Stealth; -2 Strength | Half-Orc +2 Strength; -1 Dexterity, Intelligence
Felinoid - +1 Agility, Stealth; -1 Constitution, Hates Swimming | Half-Mer - Good Swimmer/Breathe Underwater; -1 Constitution
Half Dragonborn +1 Strength, Constitution; -1 Dexterity, Stealth (limited breath weapon)

Some of you have a background skillset. This has been taken into consideration and may have resulted in rolled skills or bonuses listed in your Startup PM. I leave it up to each individual player whether they wish to reveal what was in their Startup (The dice of fate has spoken) PM or not, or how much, except for certain announced Shipboard skills that will become obvious anyway.

ASK QUESTIONS - Your GM doesn't mind questions (unless repeatedly the same, a.k.a. "Are we there yet?" :P) and will try to do her best to answer. You should also be able to ask if you need clarity from your fellow Crew.

PMs: PM between players and GM must be kept open. Players may PM private questions, or ask publicly if they think it will benefit the game or fellow Crew. I will PM players if I need details or more info, unless I believe it will benefit the game or Crew. Certain players may get private info based on certain bonuses, skills or rolls. Info not to be revealed will be specified as such. Otherwise each player is free to decide what to reveal or not reveal according to their character and role play.

NOTE: In case it is not clear, this is a high fantasy environment RP adventure story which is a take-off of Doc's 2019 dungeon adventure forum game. While there may be portals and references to a shadowy figure, as well as some characters returning from that game, this is its own story campaign which while flexible, has its own world history, cultures, races and physics as well as a story arc.
Post edited September 26, 2024 by bjgamer
The Ship, deck plan


GM ANNOUNCEMENT, 18 January, 2025: Upcoming hiatus.
Over the past few weeks almost half the Crew (and myself) have been struggling with RL obligations and need a slight break. So with this turn there will be a 4-6 week hiatus period in the game. After that time we can hopefully continue with our RL decks cleared a bit and some new prizes for returning Crew.

Congratulations to Devin of Moonsea, our humble bard - voted Most Valued Pirate (MVP) by the Crew!
Your goddess and your lady must be very proud! :D


IF you are not going to be able to post, please notify the GM by PM and leave permission with some instructions or at least your intent so I can try to defend or save your character if there is trouble!

Brought to the GM's attn: Devin noticed in Doc's game that BenKii suggested bolding a summary of actions taken at the bottom of long player posts to help the GM and other players. I have decided to give this a try - especially since one of you keeps asking me for TLDR summaries. :P ... EXAMPLES: Post 71 and Post 73

It is strongly suggested for players to please put their character name, race and any other pertinent details into your forum "title" for easier recognition, especially by our new players. This can be done using "My Settings" at the top of the forum. Thank you.

GM Note to Crew: Please note that the schedule for END OF TURNS is now twice a week, Monday and Thursday evenings UTC. Please be patient, rolling and posting the action for the next turn may take several hours after End of Turn.

Into the Light Hiatus
The Lighthouse - Briefing
The Party
The Dart Contest
Before the Party
Crew Party and Dart Contest Announced
Mission 6 - End
Mission 6 - Gaming Round 3
Mission 6 - Gaming Round 2
Mission 6 - Gaming Round 1
Mission 6 - Turn 8
Mission 6 - Turn 7
Mission 6 - Turn 6
Mission 6 - Turn 5
Mission 6 - Turn 4
Mission 6 - Turn 3
Mission 6 - Turn 2
Mission 6 - Turn 1
Mission 5 - END

The Ship returns!

Chapter Six - Into the Light; Mission 6 - Briefing
Mission 6 - Turn 1
Mission 6 - Turn 2
Mission 6 - Turn 3
Mission 6 - Turn 4
Mission 6 - Turn 5
Mission 6 - Turn 6
Mission 6 - Turn 7
Mission 6 - Turn 8
Mission 6 - Gaming Round 1
Mission 6 - Gaming Round 2
Mission 6 - Gaming Round 3
Mission 6 - End
Crew Party and Dart Contest Announced
Before the Party
The Dart Contest
The Party
The Lighthouse - Briefing
Into the Light Hiatus

Chapter Five - There is a Way Out of Darkness
Mission 5, Briefing
Mission 5 - Turn 0.5, Harbor - Devin
Mission 5 - Turn 0.5, Aboard Ship
Mission 5 - Turn 1
Mission 5 - Turn 2
Mission 5 - Turn 3
Mission 5 - Turn 4
Mission 5 - Turn 5
Mission 5 - Turn 6
Mission 5 - Turn 7
Mission 5 - Turn 8
Mission 5 - Turn 9
Mission 5 - END
Choose Your Armor:

Chapter Four - Siren Song (Interim Break)
Mission 4 - Mission End
Post edited January 18, 2025 by bjgamer
CURSED CREW LIST: - Welcome Aboard, me Hearties!
And as the crew assembles ... Lindsey Stirling - Master of Tides (music starts at 0:40)

1. Lone_Scout - Argy - Halfling - Pan (Cudgel) - can't swim
2. LordKaylar - Aylar the Red Mane - Half-Elf - Cutlass - vengeful (& sober, which may be a weakness in pirate eyes)
3. DiffuseReflection - Bellandra - Humanoid - Cutlass - fire
4. babark - Captain Baldbeard - Dwarf - Cudgel - cold
5. ssling - Count Klaus Karnstein - Human(?) - Saber - daylight, holy symbols (or so he believes), allergic to garlic
6. Devsea - Devin of Moonsea - Half-Elf - Rapier - the dreaming
7. [Signed onto another crew] phaolo - Durik - Half-Orc - Cudgel - landsick
8. Pouyou-pouyou - Gilius - Dwarf - Staff (Cudgel) - black voodoo magic practitioners
9. aCyborg - Kyp Everswimmer - Half-Mer - Rapier - heights
10. [Not Sailing] Sulibor - Mighty The Mighty Matey - Half-Orc - Cudgel - indecisive
11. gogtrial34987 - Grog'tial - Half-Dwarf - Crossbow - paranoia
12. BenKii - Captain BenKii - Human - Musket - the ladies

Honorary Spectral Captain = matterbandit's Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs - Felinoid - Rapier - loud noises (not sea & ship's cannon)

BERTHS (cabins):
Commissioned Officers Quarters - (Starboard) 1st door, Baldbeard; 2nd door, BenKii; 3rd door, Devin; Great Cabin, Cliodhna.
(Port) 1st door, Karnstein; 2nd door, Rummyfangs; 3rd door, Gilius; Captain's Cabin, Aylar.
Warrant Officers Quarters - (Starboard) 1st door, open; 2nd door, Argy; 3rd door, Bellandra; 4th door, Aeshma; Infirmary.
(Port) 1st door, Grog'tial; 2nd door, Sensei; 3rd door, open; 4th door, Refyx: Officers' Mess.
Gun Deck hammocks: Kyp, Mighty (on leave), 2 open hammocks.
Forecastle: Aeshma's Shop.

1. Argy -12 Birthday Cupcakes (only 2 per time) - grenades, or set down to explode w/3 minute delay
2. Baldbeard - Bosun's harmonica - summons spectral shark pack
3. [Gun Deck] - Cannon - shoots captive or crew up to 20 meters
4. [Captain's Chest] - Cat-o-9-Tails - squid tentacles to 3 meters
5. Bellandra - Clockwork Sextant - stops time for enemies 60 seconds
6. Mighty - Crab claw - shield or strong pincer to grab and hold or crush
7. Kyp Everswimmer -Fish bowl - breathe underwater, teleports you to any water within sight
8. [Gun Deck Rack] - Harpoon gun - normal fishing, or shoot & reels in enemies or makes rope bridge
9. [Stuck to the Mast] - Hook hand - regular hook (but stronger), or grapple
10. Grog'tial - Pink Ribbon - ensnares 1 enemy to your purpose for 1+1d4 turns
11. Karnstein - Sailor's pipe - summons fog to hide (10 minutes) approx. 50'/15m radius
12. Gilius - Ship's Mast Staff - cudgel or entangle, bushes hide, Walk the Plank/Lightning Storm (3 times only)
13. Aylar - Silver Mirror Locket - portals you instantly anywhere within sight range
14. Captain BenKii - Strange Box (Tricorder) - Detects Hidden/Magical 20ft/6m radius (but hums)
15. [Gun Deck Rack] - Trident - regular trident, or pins enemies to the ground

IN MEMORIAM: To those lost, we raise a Grog!
1. *Larissa - kamikaze charge, Mission 1, Denuvo; killed by vampirate ash
2. *Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs - defiantly spit rumball into face of Necrodrider, Mission 2, Fortress; killed by necrotic poison
3. *Foggy - lost to the thirst for treasure, Mission 2, Fortress; influenced by the cursed gold
4. Queen Origi - under the influence of spores. Mission 3, Grung Village; killed by chief, finished by her own Force Missile.
5. Bhrigu - departed the Ship for unknown shores end of Mission 4.
6. *Pugwash - captured while napping away from the Ship during Interim.
7. *Durik - sailed with Captain Faelan after Mission 6.

*Player request
Post edited January 19, 2025 by bjgamer

Argy = 357 TT, 10 gold, 4 silver, 2 p8 / 4 cupcakes left (only 2 per Mission) / +1 Pan of Stunning / Teak Slingshot / garlic pepper grinder / 2 knives / wooden spoon / Teal Spidersilk Reinforced Chef Jacket / Thief's Glove / Abalone Shell (+10 Swim, Breath Underwater) / Book of Fairy Tales / Flower Drawing / Bat Ring (1 charge) / Dust of Disappearance / 1 Spiderclimb Oil / 1 Fire Oil / 1 Fire Resistance Potion / 1 British Breakfast Tea / 1 Cure Disease Potion / 1 Cure Poison Potion / 1 Pirate Pete's Pain-Killing Rum / 1 Cure Poison Bandage / 1 Heal Wounds Bandage / 1 holy water / 1 Gnome's Luck / Fate Coin / Resist Evil Charm / sturdy rubber gloves

Aylar = 357 TT, 8 gold, 11 silver, 8 p8 / Silver Mirror Locket / +1 Cutlass of Cutting / Blessed Fey Carving Axe (Offhand only) +1 Behead/Chop/Cleave/Deep Wound, +Chill Touch / 2 stakes / Pale Gray w/Deep Crimson Spidersilk Long Coat / Fey Charm - Turn Necro/Magick Drain / Phoenix Charm - Resistances / Fate thread / a broken compass / a fine whittling knife w/silver runes / Dragon book / 1 Lockpick / 1 Remote Viewing Potion / 1 Frost Oil / 1 Cold Resistance Potion / 1 British Breakfast Tea / 1 Cure Disease Potion / 1 Cure Poison Potion / 1 Pirate Pete's Pain-Killing Rum / 1 Heal Potion / 1 Bandage / 1 holy water / a flask pure water / Hero's Knot / deep crimson goatskin rune gloves loan = Book of Puzzles and Treasures +1 to Puzzles/Traps/Treasure

Bellandra = 357 TT, 7 gold, 5 silver, 8 p8 / Clockwork Sextant / Cutlass of Double Strike / +1 Accurate Hand-Crossbow of Shocking Burst w/4 Blessed Reg, 10 Hardened, 4 Stun, 3 Blessed Silver Bolts / Quiver / 4 stakes / Forest Green/Blue Spidersilk Jacket / Chalcedony Ring (+5 Calm) / Child Locket / 1 Fire Oil / 1 Frost Oil / 1 Fire Resist Potion / 1 Mint Tea / 1 Cure Disease Potion / 1 Cure Poison Potion / 1 Water of Purify (Cure All) / 3 Heal Potions / 1 holy water / Fate Coin / Rabbit's foot (Luck/Resist Evil) / Woodtone goatskin gloves loan = cracked magical Handmirror = Twice per Mission sees hidden

Captain Baldbeard = 357 TT, 8 gold, 7 silver, 8 p8 / Harmonica / +1 dmg Cudgel / 2 stakes / Deep Garnet Leather-Spidersilk Jacket / Black Onyx Ring (+1 Str/+1 Con; +10 Resist Cold/Disease/Weakness/Poison) / Charmed Comb / Gnomish Lamp / 1 Sleep Potion / Fate Coin / tiny bell (Resist Evil) / dark charcoal goatskin gloves

Captain BenKii = 357 TT, 4 gold, 1 silver, 3 p8 / Strange Box (Tricorder) / +1 Dmg Musket (phasor) / +1 Vital Rapier of Parry (-1 exh/+1d6 heal/turn) / Communicator (not working) / 1 stake / Navy Blue w/Red Spidersilk Long Coat / 1 Ruby / Extraplanar Hoax book / 1 Lockpick / 1 Spiderclimb Oil / 1 Fire Oil / 1 Flash Powder / 1 Ice Dust / 1 Repel Zombie Potion / 1 Earl Grey Tea / 2 Cure Disease Potions / 2 Heal Potions / 2 Heal Wounds Bandages / 1 holy water / Resist Evil Charm / fur-lined navy deerskin gloves / potato / loan = Book on Dancing +1 Dodge

Count Karnstein = 357 TT, 11 gold, 4 silver, 8 p8 / Fog Pipe / +1 Saber of Frostbite / Emerald Spidersilk Waistcoat w/Charcoal cape / Wolf's Head Coin / tobacco / sun ointment / spider figurine / Beholder book / ? Key / 1 Flash Powder / 1 Frost Giant Strength Potion / 1 Frost Breath Potion / 1 British Breakfast Tea / 1 Cure Disease Potion / 1 Heal Potion / 1 Heal Wounds Bandage / 1 Cure Poison Bandage / 2 Bandages / Resist Evil Charm / Fool's Knot / black deerskin gloves / red high heeled thigh boots / a black velvet dress / a pair of black leather leggings loan = Book of Plots, Intrigue, and Politics = +1 Influence/Int

Devin = 357 TT, 6 gold, 10 silver, 4 p8 / +1 Rapier w/Moonstone / Silver Dagger / Moonbow / Silver Runed Lute / Rosewood Fey Flute / Deep Hunter Green Spidersilk Jacket / Small Indigo feather / Moonstone Earring / black cat figurine / Wooden Cube / small empty pouch (conceals items) / Silver Pocketwatch / Lockpick set / 2 Vials Lightsheen / 1 Flash Powder / 2 Smoke Marbles / 1 Frost Oil / 1 British Breakfast Tea / 1 Mint Tea / 1 Cure Poison Potion / 1 Water of Purify (Cure All) / 1 Pirate Pete's Pain-Killing Rum / 2 Heal Potions / 2 Heal Wounds Bandages / 2 Bandages / 2 holy water / Herb satchel / Wine flask / Planular Ally Bead / charcoal gray goatskin gloves

Gilius = 357 TT, 14 gold, 3 silver, 4 p8 / Ship's Mast Staff / blowgun w/11 Needles / 2 stakes / Green Spidersilk Reinforced Robe / Quartz Pendant (cast Heal/Purify 3/Mission) / Druid's Orb +1 WIS, Weathercraft / Pet Rock - Stone Elemental (2+1d6 turns) / Surveillance book / unknown key / 1 Scroll of Revivify / 1 Spiderclimb Oil / 1 Acid Oil / 1 Fire Oil / 1 Poison / 1.5 Sleep Potion / 1 Flash Powder / 1 Frost Breath Potion / 1 Repel Zombie Potion / 1 Mental Resistance Potion / 1 Acid Resistance Potion / 1 Cold Resistance Potion / 1 Fire Resistance Potion / 1 Force Resistance Potion / 1 British Breakfast Tea / 2 Cure Disease Potions / 2 Heal Wounds Bandages / 1 holy water / Eagle Feather RE charm / Sage's Knot / supple black boarskin gloves loan = Chessboard +1 strategy/intel

Grog'tial = 357 TT, 5 gold, 0 silver, 8 p8 / Dual-bolt Dwarven Crossbow w/14 Blessed Reg, 4 Blessed Hard, 20 AP, 5 Exp, 3 Stun Bolts / 3 slot belt quiver / +1 Quality (Sharp) Dirk of Turn Dark Influence (+5 Resist Neg Influence) / 2 blessed stakes / bag caltrops (20) / Anthracite Spidersilk Long Coat / Brooch of Shielding (2 charges) / small flute / short dwarf hair rope / Backpack parachute / Portable Hole / 1 Lockpick / 1 Fire Oil / 1 Frost Oil / 1 1 Mental Resistance Potion / 1 Fire Resistance Potion / 1 Earl Grey Tea / 1 Cure Poison Potion / 1 Water of Purify (Cure All) / 1 Heal Potion / 1 Heal Wounds Bandage / 2 Bandages / 2 holy water / Resist Evil Charm / Bless Bead / anthracite goatskin gloves / Small Satchel w/twine, a bone ring & earring with tiny bird skull, a necklace of various teeth, rigged dice.

Kyp = 357 TT, 9 gold, 8 silver, 6 p8 / Fishbowl Ability / +1 Cold Rapier of Ghost Touch (1+1d4 necrotic dmg) / Fishing Net belt, 8' / Teal/Dark Teal Spidersilk Jacket / Turtle Charm +10 Turtles, +5 Def, Resist Evil / Crystal Angel Talisman / warhammer holy symbol / Crystal flask / 1 Blinding Powder / 2 Smoke Marbles / 1 Spiderclimb Oil / 1 Repel Zombies Potion / 1 1 Mental Resistance Potion / 1 British Breakfast Tea / 1 Heal Wounds Bandage / 2 Bandages / 3 holy water / deep teal pigskin gloves loan = heart-shaped music box (+1d12 resist mental attks/influence)
Post edited January 19, 2025 by bjgamer
(1 gold = 8 silver; 1 silver = 8 pieces of 8)

Refyx Fiddlemix: Alchemical Scientist & Tinkerer at your service - can make:
Limit - 1 specific type of item per order, 1 order per customer per Mission, 3 orders per day.
0 Orders Available;
Alchemical Mixes: Limit 1 per order
1 silver = Poison (single use 4 turns on blade or cudgel, or 4 bolts, lasts 1d6 turns vs Resist)
4 pieces of 8 = Weapon Oils (Fire, Acid, Frost - single use 4 turns on weapon, or 4 bolts) *do NOT work on elemental weapons
4 pieces of 8 = 2 Smoke Marbles (creates distraction/smoke cover in a 13' or 4m area, 1d4 turns)
4 pieces of 8 = 1 Flash Powder (shock and awe/blind and stun - 10' or 3m area for 1d4 turns vs resist)
4 pieces of 8 = 1 Oil of Spiderclimb (single use, climb any wall or ceiling for 1d4 turns, use glove/cloth wrapped hands)
Bolts - specify whether regular or hand crossbow
2 pieces of 8 = 6 Regular or 3 Hardened bolts
2 pieces of 8ea = Explosive bolts (tiny Magic Missile - NOT on enemy next to Crew - exception Sharpshooter) - limit 5 per order
2 pieces of 8ea = Seeker bolts (50% greater chance to hit) - limit 3 per order
2 pieces of 8ea = Stun bolts (stuns creatures in a 10' or 3m area 1d4 turns vs Resist) - limit 3 per order

Aeshma: Healer & Witch - services offered:
Limit - 1 specific type of item per order, 1 order per customer per Mission, 3 orders per day.
0 Orders Available;
Healing: Limit 2 of same per order
free = Purify water, milk, clear liquids - except liquors
2 pieces of 8 = Heal Potion
2 pieces of 8 = Heal Wounds Bandage
2 pieces of 8 = Cure Disease Bandage
4 pieces of 8 = Cure Disease Potion
4 pieces of 8 = Cure Poison Potion
Potions: Last 4 hours unless otherwise stated. Limit 1 per order.
4 pieces of 8 = Sleep Potion
1 silver = Potion of Fire Breath (single use, works immediately or hold breath up to 5 minutes.)
1 silver = Potion of Frost Breath (single use, works immediately or hold breath up to 5 minutes.)
1 silver = Potion of Acid Resistance
1 silver = Potion of Cold Resistance
1 silver = Potion of Fire Resistance
2 silver = Potion of Poison Resistance
2 silver = Potion of Mental Resistance
3 silver = Potion of Necrotic Resistance
5 silver = Potion of Clairvoyence (Info from GM about your Luck Card or Hidden aspect of Mission. (1 question)
Spells and Enhancements: Limit 1 per order.
5 silver = Magickal Gem enhancement (permanent)
1 gold = Spell casting/break curses
Post edited January 19, 2025 by bjgamer
End of the Interim
Ahoy Mateys! We will be finishing the Interim adventures for the Crew and bringing everyone back together over the next 7-10 days. For those Crew who have specific missions/adventures, please post to complete these stories.
Other returning Crew without specific adventures to finish, feel free to post what your character did during your stay on Monkey Island, or your thoughts on Dragon Turtle Island, Pugwash's disappearance (you don't know where yet), Captain Aylar's leaving, the Ship vanishing with Devin and Rummyfangs, and the return of Count Karnstein.

Crew and visitors may wish to reread the last part of the Voyage of the Cursed Crew Part 1 thread and the Interim Adventures thread to refresh their memory.

Where we left things ...
Captain Aylar has left for Fae reasons on a mission of his own; Captain Baldbeard is chasing down a ship connected to our missing phoenix admiral which has the captured Durik and Pugwash aboard. Kyp has returned successfully from his mission to put the dragon turtle eggs in a new safe hatching ground. Argy, Bellandra, Gilius, Mighty, Aeshma and Refyx have been put ashore safely on Kyp's Dragon Turtle Island. Count Karnstein is just now returning with a dwarf master woodworker and Devin and Cap'n Rummyfangs have just 'pirated' the Ship away, for reasons which will be revealed ...


Be Careful What You Wish ... Count Karnstein Intro

Count Karnstein, you may have been still thinking of your dream, or maybe anticipating Aeshma's welcome, but the carpenter dwarf D'Amato snorts as he smacks you with a spyglass, blatantly ignoring your request that he wash.

"Hey, dude, is that the ship you paid me to work on. The one that's LEAVING?" He asks snidely as he dangles the spyglass in front of you.

As you turn, you see the Ship with Devin at the bow and Cap'n Rummyfangs at the helm with a full crew of phantoms sailing away following a moonlit path towards where the full moon is rising on the horizon. Captain Jac is yelling at them from her ship as her own crew seems to have been taken unawares. Above the pier on Dragon Turtle Island you can see Aeshma waving at you wildly in a 'Get your daring, hunk of a princely self over here NOW' sort of way while some of the Monkey Island cannibals, Rocky and other remaining Crew haul crates of supplies further up the Island into one of the barns there. (do remember this is Karnstein's interpretation from his POV after his dream.)

Coming in from another angle is a large galleon with golden sails flying strange but officious looking flags. The large galleon is preparing cannons, but it is clear they will be too late to intercept as you watch the Ship with Devin and Rummyfangs fade into the moonlight and vanish. Deprived of their quarry, the galleon changes course and fires a warning shot across the bow of Captain Jac's ship instead in the always not-so-polite notice to heave to and prepare to be boarded.

"That looks like a High Council ship," D'Amato grumbles. "Meddlesome mages," he spits. "Friends of yours?"

(Welcome back, Count Karnstein!)


Hot on the Scent ... Captain Baldbeard recap/End part of post

Captain Baldbeard, your ship quickly runs down the enemy ship you've been chasing. Brethren Felinoid Captain Sam No-Bell-On-Me expertly brings the Whyknot around in range and your guns fire to disable the enemy guns and bring down the masts and sails so to not sink the ship and possibly lose prisoners or treasure. (roll dice) Success! With the enemy slowed and disabled, your fellow pirate crew of the ship you are on prepare to board the enemy.

Durik's scent is now very strong and coming from below the enemy deck. Pugwash's scent is faint, with the tinge of death about it. There is still the scent of someone having been close to Admiral Cliodhna somewhat recently, reminding you of your promise to Aeshma to find the admiral. A new scent also tingles your nostrils ... one strange and unusual, a bit reptilian yet warm-blooded and acidic, that is coming from the same area belowdecks as Durik's. Somehow Durik and Pugwash ended up aboard this ship. It smells like it is time to find answers and maybe rescue fellow Crew.

The boarding planks have been placed and the fellow pirates aboard the Whyknot have boarded the enemy and are fighting fiercely against the DRM Alliance sailors, clearing the way for you. Captain Sam yells your name in warning from where he fights off the enemy and nods toward an enemy officer on the enemy ship's deck aiming his musket straight at you!

(Welcome back, Captain Baldbeard!)


No Place Like Home ... Durik recap

Durik, you got to see your mum humie released but you have been thrown into a cell below the deck of a large ship at sea for many days now. Durik has lost count of how many days it has been. For a while Pugwash was in the cell next to you, but he fell asleep and did not wake up some days ago. Enemy sailors came and took his body, wrapping it up and putting it a barrel in the corner. Durik remembers how the admiral always said to bring the body back if a member of the Crew died. Could the admiral help once she gets back if Durik brought Pugwash's body back to the Ship?

Once they moved Pugwash's body some soldiers drug in an unconscious prisoner and put him in the cell next to Durik. They locked that prisoner's items along with Durik's in a chest away from the cells. The new prisoner looks different from anyone Durik has seen before. He is tall but emaciated, with a frown on his face and a twisted old wound on his neck at the throat. His hide looks like it is made of smooth obsidian scales, instead of tough hide like Durik's. He has a horn and a half, with the half horn cut off very smooth. In fact, he looks like a human sized dragon without wings or tail, or maybe more like a dragon and a human combined. Very strange, but he looks strong. Maybe not quite as strong as Durik or Mighty, but very strong.

Pharos, you wake up locked in a cell below the deck of a large ship. Your items have been taken from you. In the cell next to you is a half-orc who seems friendly enough, but sad. He is large and strong, and obviously a prisoner here as well. Observing him, you recognize him from the wanted posters as one of the Ship's Crew you have been seeking to join. Across from the cells close to the stairs is a locked chest. An enemy sailor removes a small item from it and you see the hilt of your saber within before he slams the lid shut. Not far from the chest, stuffed into a barrel in the corner, looks to be a smaller wrapped body preserved in salt. Looking at the cells, you feel your acid could weaken the bars for both of you, if you controlled your breath and aimed well enough and the other prisoner backed away. These people must not be used to your type of half-dragonborn. You will only get one chance though. The breath weapon takes time to recharge. You'll want a distraction, and a way off the ship that doesn't involve floating for days in the deep ocean.

It is late morning when there comes a sudden bellowing from above deck. The alarm bell begins to ring amidst shouts of "Pirates!" and orders are yelled. The four soldiers guarding the cells run for the stairs to join the sailors and fight. The ship shakes as cannons roar and you hear guns fire in return. The sound the gun deck being hit port side comes, and the cracking and breaking of masts. Above deck it sounds like chaos and fighting. Then someone yells out "Captain Baldbeard, 'ware!" A flopping fish sound becomes a heavy thumping as something rolls down the stairs. It is a strange loose cannon.

Durik you look up in time to see Dakka roll down the stairs towards your cell and realize that Captain Baldbeard may indeed be here to rescue you.

(Durik and Pharos, good luck on your escape)
Post edited September 26, 2024 by bjgamer
Captain Baldbeard's eyes flare up with fear for Pugwash, and he quickly chases down his scent in hopes of being able to save him before it is too late. In case of enemy combatants, he quickly uses his harmonica to call up his sharks to deal with them, but readies his cudgel as well just in case.

If it is feasible and helpful, he will use the healing potion on when he finds him Pugwash.
If he finds enemies that the sharks are not dealing with, he will howl his wolf's howl and deal with them with his cudgel.
If he doesn't find Pugwash or can't do anything to help him, he will place his body in a safe place and continue searching for Durik.
And.. Dakka!! Me was worried to never see again, but you found us!" :'D

"You lizard fellow over there, you be lucky, my mateys came back to rescue, maybe they free u too."
Ah, me name be Durik. Other fren was Pug, but not sure he alive." :(
Count took the spyglass and observed the scene with unfazed look on his face.

"Nay, it most definitely ain't THAT ship... 'Cause there is no ship! Look at 'im, folks! Sees ships in a drunken stupor! Where is it? Flew to the Moon?"

What he actually thought though was something among these lines: Unbelievable! I left weeks ago 'n the very minute I'm back that blasted mutt stole the bloody ship! Oh, poor Aeshma must feel so embarrassed fer lettin' it 'appen. But what could one expect leavin' that silly bunch to their own devices?

There wasn't time to dwell on that matter though as the cannons thundered over the sea.

"High Council? Can't say 'tis the lot I usually 'ang out with. Looks like the ghastly woman is in peril. What the blazes is goin' on 'ere, an' why do I feel like I shall save the day again?"

"The ghastly woman" gave him the creeps when he saw her briefly before departing, but he remembered Aeshma speaking highly of her. And, from what he saw moments ago, she certainly wasn't in cahoots with "that blasted mutt", in fact she got screwed over by him as well.

"I'd say we're in luck. Mages won't pay attention to this dingey (meaning the smugglers' ship by that)."
Post edited September 06, 2024 by ssling
Post edited September 25, 2024 by S_A_
(roll dice) Captain Baldbeard, your sharks swim into the fray, surprising the enemy officer so much that he fires his musket wildly at one instead of you. (roll dice) Captain Sam and your fellow pirates are fighting well and your sharks are soon feasting, but there are a lot of enemies. In your concern to get to Pugwash quickly you tilt your face up to the sky and let forth a fearsome howl. (roll dice) The howl so frightens the enemy that many of them turn and leap overboard into the sea! Even your allies look a bit shocked and impressed.

(roll dice) With that done, you apply your cudgel to the officer in your path, smashing his ribs deep into his now concave chest and leaving him collapsed and dying next to the shattered mast. (roll dice) Durik's scent is strong and clear and coming from two decks below the main deck, as is the strange reptilian scent. Pugwash's scent is also coming from there, as is the scent of salt and that slight stink of death.

As you quickly descend the stairs to the gun deck, you see significant damage to the port side where most of the port side cannons are destroyed or missing. (roll dice) Many sailors lie wounded or dead, but two block your path to the stairs down where your nose tells you your Crewmates are held. One sailor comes at you with a cutlass and the other grabs a gun rod and thrusts it at you.


(roll dice) Count Karnstein, so far you seem to be proven right as the bigger ship draws closer to Captain Jac's ship without firing another shot. However, they are positioning themselves in a way that they could swiftly adjust and fire a full broadside in your direction as well.

Still standing just above the pier, Aeshma had startled as the cannon of the big ship roared and fired a shot across Captain Jac's bow. Now she turns her attention back to where the Black Emanuelle is slowly tacking its way closer. Putting her hands on her hips, Aeshma looks back out across the waves at you again. Then in a very exaggerated motion she points at you, makes an urgent beckoning motion and then points to the run down somewhat broken pier and then herself. It seems she is anxious to see you and welcome you back.
"Patience woman, almost there... Ha! See? Foolish bastards don't mind us. As long as we keep the course 'n move confidently, all be peachy keen. Come, we shall talk to our good cap'n."

Count runs to the captain and explains him the import of ignoring galleon and getting to the pier. If coward hesitates or wants to escape, he may use his extra persuasion shtick on him to keep him in check.
Post edited September 06, 2024 by ssling
S_A_: "Durik," Pharos says quickly, points himself, "Pharos Na'unax." Noticing the cannon rolling down, and that Durik seems familiar with the cannon, Pharos says to Durik: "Time is urgent. I also want to leave this ship, and you can consider me an ally. I may be able to get you closer to Dakka, but this will require you stand back and away from the bars. I need to check them."
"Ye can escape? Oh that's good fren, me was just waiting.
Dakka be special cannon, he not likes shooting stuff, only people.
Me hope to teach him the correct way, one day."

Durik then stood back, curious about what Pharos was going to do.
Maybe he was a mage?
Post edited September 25, 2024 by S_A_
S_A_: "I saw that one uptairs with the key left a package o' little salted bodies in a bucket in the corner, an' me stuff be in the box an' I 'ave to get it aft with the key. I can breathe acid against yer cell door. But to get to yer side, I should get through these bars. Lay hands, me friend?"
"U can melt bars with spit? Neat!
Ah, ye can't do it many times, same for my Dakka.
Ok we be trying to bend the bars to get you here."
Post edited September 06, 2024 by phaolo